The First Bloke & Cattle Grids (Guards).
[/i]The First Bloke
Tim Matheson, the First Bloke, commonly known as the "4 x Over The Legal Blood Alcohol Limit Convicted Drunk Driver That Lives In The Lodge", and Tony Abbott somehow ended up at the same barber shop.

As they sat there, each being worked on by a different barber, not a word was spoken.

The barbers were both afraid to start a conversation, for fear it would turn to politics.

As the barbers finished their shaves, the one who had Tim in his chair reached for the aftershave.
Tim was quick to stop him jokingly saying, "No thanks. Julia will smell that and think I've been in a brothel."
The second barber turned to Abbott and said, "How about you, Mr Abbott?"
Abbott replied, "Go ahead. My wife doesn't know what the inside of a brothel smells like."

Australian government at work[i]
You will love this one, I haven't stopped laughing For those of you who have never travelled to the country , cattle guards are horizontal steel rails placed at fence openings, in dug-out places in the roads adjacent to highways (sometimes across highways), to prevent cattle from crossing over that area. For some reason the cattle will not step on the "guards," probably because they fear getting their feet caught between the rails.

In 2008, Kevin Rudd received and was reading a report that there were over 10,000 cattle guards over main roads in NSW & Queensland. Graziers had protested his proposed changes in grazing policies, so he ordered the Minister to fire half of the cattle guards immediately!!

Before the Minister could respond and presumably try to straighten him out, Minister for Employment Julia Gillard, intervened with a request that before any cattle guards were fired, they be given six months of retraining.

And now she is running the country.Lol2Very HappyWtf

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