Watch this fucktard make a fool of himself.
Looks like I missed out on all the fun by not registering.

Probably for the better. I am sure to have upset someone.
Now where is that VESPA website.


I'm not using it anyway!
Fair enough Dave, it did get out of hand. In our defence though, HE WAS PICKING ON ONE OF OUR OWN! We are a team, if you pick one of us, you get the lot.

I'm stoked though, they have a women's drag forum. I didn't even know that existed. Now I have women as far as QLD to talk to!

Hiedi, dont get me wrong, I was giving it to him at the start too, but when it fell into "your a fag", "no you are" for 12 pages and 8 topics, it was going too far.

He wont stop, he is like a kid with ADD, he will keep going till he has the final word, the best way to beat him is to completely ignore him, he will get the shits cause the attention isnt on him and he will find some where else to carry on.
why don't you just can his registration? Don't ride behind me, I might bin it, Don't ride in front of me ya slow moving bastard, Just ride beside me and shut the f*** up.
Seem to have missed the fun.

Just to add, if we're a team and people are using 'fag' as an insult, at least one of the guys on here I met on a weekend ride is openly gay, so we need to watch the calibre of our insults.

Call him a West Tigers fan or something...don't think we have any of those.

I know, I bikers - unheard of, eh?
nah the fag thing that was coming from him is in short - a showing of how he could not use the english language any better then that.

being in IT & admin'ing a few forums - I have delt with & seen worse "Busa riders always count in three's.... 100, 200, 300"


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