Riding in rain
Is it just me or does riding in the rain SUCK? I hate it. Perhaps it wouldnt be so bad on a 600 or something but a Busa? Frankly, I would rather drive.
Cant remember the last time it rained in melbourne?????I hate it if you've just washed your bike.:">
Is it the heart-thumping feeling of the rear wheel losing contact with the bitumen?

Is it the near-certainty of cage-crash induced death?

Is it the freezing cold and the rain leaking through the visor to smite your eyes?

I LOVE riding in the rain, if the 'Busa is all about adrenaline, then wet-weather riding is all about adrenaline-plus!

Seriously, wet-weather hurts, every time I get out there in the wet I almost get killed by some oily patch of road, some metal plate on the road, or some paralysed-by-fear cage driver.

That said, some of the best rides I've had have been in the rain. Nothing beats the cool look of rain and clouds pouring off a mountain down near Kiama, or descending through the low clouds in the Snowy.

The rain is not a problem, you just change your riding style to taking it easy. I know its hard on the busa but it's a must.
Of corse you change your riding style cause you can open the throttle in any gear and light it up. Cant do that in the dry!
I'm with the (hate riding in the rain crew) I find that all my time is spent analising every morsell of feedback the bike is giving me, and I just don't have the confidence in the front end sticking. I know you should adjust your riding style but more often than not you have headed out with ya mates and the weather has turned to shit.....the ride home is slower but always a little competative.

My main problems are vision....i.e. moving up behind traffic that is throwing-up an oil laddened mist which prevents accuratly judging on-comming traffic and..... (if any of you have had the pleasure) emergency braking in the rain (personally i'd rather 'nail my head to a coffee table') but it does happen and you survive, it take weeks to remove the pucker in the seat where your arse sucked it up trying to hang-on.


heheheheheheheh hence your name "skuzzbutt" ????????????
And as for vision, that fogged up visor that you can't leave closed cause you can't see, and can't open cause of the rain and the shit from the tyres being thrown up...
The only time I ride in the rain is if I get stuck in it accidentally then I really shit my self.
And you call yourself a motorcycle rider???
yes but my wrist acts befor my brain
On the old cbr-250rr ( ) weather wasn't a problem, no power and plenty of grip. Progress to a Hayabusa and the same state of mind will get you killed.

Adjusting to the weather isn't a problem, but is it me, or do drivers get worse when it gets wet? :">

The 'Busa stays outta the rain now (since getting dropped ) and the Honda CT-110 ( ) postie now has the wet weather duties.

Ah, seriously NO power and grip does a wet weather bike make.
I bet jumping off the postie onto the 'Bus is interesting
On the bright side you can get your adrenaline at legal speeds....particularly if you combine it with a hard compound..

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