Motorcycle Rider Survey
I'm not affiliated in any way with this survey/research but hopefully something good comes out of it.

Australian Motorcycle Rider Survey/Study - Help a Uni student!

It's a PHD study, and as a current Uni student myself I gave them my input. No personal details are taken. You also can opt for the results of the study!
The following is the original email:

Hi all,

As part of my post graduate degree in psychology I am required to
complete a research thesis. My thesis is looking at how various
motorcycle riding behaviours (e.g., wearing protective gear, riding at
night) are related to the risk of having an accident, as well as how
riding behaviour and crash risk varies with age and sex.

I am currently looking for Australian licensed motorcyclists to complete
my confidential online survey at
I would also really appreciate it if you could forward this email to
everyone you know to help complete my research.

Lauren Gook
Done. Didn't take long. I'll be interested in the results. I suspect I come out as a complete control freak who speeds, has an unhealthy relationship with their bike and refuses to take orders from anyone... sounds about right if I think about it.
It'll be interesting to see what kind of useful information comes out of it, versus what parts get used in the media/government to plug anti-motorcycle campaigns.
Licence Back!
what the f*** has loving kids go to do with riding a god damn bike!!! PERVERTS!!!!

I like them, but I can't eat a whole one.
Done . . But seemed to be a very thinly disguised psychological test, hate to see what i look like Pi_freak
Dan85 Wrote:what the f*** has loving kids go to do with riding a god damn bike!!! PERVERTS!!!!

All behavioral stuff Dan. A person who=says yes to that one would probably be considered to be a less agressive rider etc, etc. bullshit, bullshit......
cAstAgeAr Wrote:Done . . But seemed to be a very thinly disguised psychological test, hate to see what i look like Pi_freak

Dan85 Wrote:what the f*** has loving kids go to do with riding a god damn bike!!! PERVERTS!!!!

could be a priest bike rider???
complete very good
bgaheer Wrote:[quote=cAstAgeAr]
Done . . But seemed to be a very thinly disguised psychological test, hate to see what i look like Pi_freak

let us know what comes out of it Yes

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