pondering the saying, cant eat chicken everynight..

but you can if the CHICKEN is a 99 hayabusa...

everytime i ride the bitch, the feeling it gives me is phenominal... How can a guy get butterflies EVERY TIME? ( and i ride her to work)

i think im addicted... i dont wanto be cured!

jessie928 Wrote:pondering the saying, cant eat chicken everynight..

but you can if the CHICKEN is a 99 hayabusa...

everytime i ride the bitch, the feeling it gives me is phenominal... How can a guy get butterflies EVERY TIME? ( and i ride her to work)

i think im addicted... i dont wanto be cured!


In one country I know of hookers are commonly referred to as "chickens".
jessie928 Wrote:pondering the saying, cant eat chicken everynight..

but you can if the CHICKEN is a 99 hayabusa...

everytime i ride the bitch, the feeling it gives me is phenominal... How can a guy get butterflies EVERY TIME? ( and i ride her to work)

i think im addicted... i dont wanto be cured!


+1, recently I moved job - eairler I use to ride approx 100K every day and now for last 5 weeks I have been only travelling so no Bike Undecided

Took my Busa for a small ride and ended up riding around 100 KM and loved it - so when you say "everytime i ride the bitch, the feeling it gives me is phenominal... " I agree with you and yes it does gives you butterflies every time.....
I also commute to work every day on my busa -- and weekend rides .. never get sick of her - She is the best friend with an attitude without the arguments .....

Hayabusa , If your not on one , your behind one .....
Hmmm, yes, I remember that Grasshopper.

It was the time before Adult Friend Finder and the world was young.

And a little bit stupid.

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