Stuff from "the other" board...
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Registered User
(11/20/00 10:50:55 pm)
Reply Super Hero 2

I will cut straight to the chase. I had a customer call, and had an enquiry about dyno work, then this guy tells me that a guy by the name of “PETE” in Melbourne, with a “Dyno Dynamics Dyno”, is the one who has helped me to find out all that ticks with the Hayabusa, and he is the only one to see if you want your Busa to go. Then when I suggested to him this may be the opposite, and they come back with “ well that’s what he told me”. Pete, this is the second time this situation has occurred. Pissed off I am, considering the calls you have made to me for advice. So given this situation why should I cut you any slack?

How am I to show you any credibility when this is what you deal out. You have failed someone that trusted you. Please never call me again, as any call from you will be terminated.

To be a tall popy you have to be one first. I will always give credit where credit is due, and no I do not profess to know it all as you suggested,

I was never after credit, and have never looked for it, and have never back doored anyone, you I can’t say the same for. You are correct in that I don’t know you, however to shit on someone that has helped you only shows where you are coming from.

Thanks for editing the board, it shows where you are really at.

Regards Col

PS will you edit this one?

Registered User
(11/20/00 11:22:45 pm)
Reply Super Hero Origins
Dear Col
I do not know you dear sir and wish to tackle this matter in a manner only befitting adults and only for clarification. I must say that I was rather taken aback with your second posting reading what you had to say. Naturally, I can understand as to why you are pissed, but please consider what I am about to say, if not for Pete, at least for the bikers who share the passion as you do obviously. When I first met Pete, I was informed of the mods that could be done (all these which I read in postings anyway, both local and overseas) and how the bike can be tuned for maximum results. In the following conversations I had with Pete, he also proceeded to inform me how he purchased the dyno and engaged the help of one certain Colin from 10/10ths I think was the name he gave me and as to how this gentleman helped him sort and iron out the problems, not to mention all the advice he received which he said was never ending. In that frame, can you see why I was taken aback to hear what you had to say?
Which will see us to the end of my broach of topic with you about this sir with one question... Maybe the persons who called you and made the statements had misintentions of their own?
But I suppose we will never know....

(11/20/00 11:27:22 pm)
Re: Super Hero 2
No I won't edit this at all Col,and would appreciate you to view the post I placed under personal greviances. I'd like you line up these people and if required I'll fly them to Sydney so they can repeat the bullshit they have obviously told you,with me present.( I can think of two or three people whom it could be). I shall take this opportunity to publicly deny that I have ever taken any credit from you or told any one what it is you have said I am supposed to have said. I'd also like to add that I have no problem in telling any and all as I have done in person, of the help,advice and information (during the dozens of phone calls) that you have given me since I decided to set up and run a Dyno room. Saddest part of all Col is that I am afraid I'm not guilty of what you are accusing me of. I also have a pretty good idea of whom is responsible and shall endeavor to find out if my suspicions are correct.
So to clarify this so there is no misinterpretation on anyones behalf........I sought your help,advice and information regards running the Dyno and also information regards the Busa. No more to say on this Col but I'm afraid you have put me on the gallows for a crime I did not commit.
Ride Hard But Safe

Registered User
(11/21/00 6:11:01 am)
Reply Re: Super Hero 2
I too, was surprised by your posting and could'nt understand why you were hostile toward Boss. I've been present (on several occasions) when he's talked to his customers about the help that you've given him with sorting out his dyno and how much he appreciated it. I recall the word 'guru' being mentioned by him about your skill with Busa's somewhere,too. When I read the super hero 2 post it all clicked!
A little birdie has been spreading rumours!

Registered User
(11/21/00 8:19:37 am)
Reply An Assassin
Col, I can only echo the sentiments of both Snaggs and C43. Pete has mentioned to me on numerous occasions (and I have spent quite a bit of time at his workshop lately) that you have been most helpful in providing him with good information, the likes of which he can't even seem to get from Suzuki. One thing Pete has always said to me, if he doesn't know he will ask, and so has given you credit many times as being the source of his information.

You may not be aware of the animosity some people have towards Pete but I would recommend you look a little deeper for the true culprit in this will surely find that it is NOT Pete who has been slagging you off or taking credit for your the help you have given him. He has so far only had high praise for you.

(11/21/00 10:46:36 am)
The Culprits
They are Volvi and Les from the old board, stay tuned as phone numbers and address's and any other relevent details of the rocks they live under, are posted so as any and all people entwined and caught up in their decietful little game can pay them a visit. Boss
Ride Hard But Safe

Web Dude
(11/21/00 11:25:43 am)
Re: The Culprits
Maybe you should follow foolinfected's advice (modified)...don't believe everything you hear, and certainly don't believe ANYTHING from certain individuals from the other board. It's really sad to see their underhanded agendas actually working, as you all have been sucessfully played off against each other!


Messages In This Thread
Stuff from "the other" board... - by demeester - 23-11-2000, 09:55am
Re: Stuff from "the other" board... - by demeester - 24-11-2000, 10:02am
Re: Stuff from "the other" board... - by Volvi - 24-11-2000, 10:24am
Re: Stuff from "the other" board... - by Volvi - 24-11-2000, 10:27am
Re: Stuff from "the other" board... - by demeester - 07-12-2000, 08:09am
Re: Stuff from "the other" board... - by demeester - 08-12-2000, 01:21pm

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