f*** f*** f*&^ing FRONT GUARD

I'm going to the shed. Sutur, I'll call you if I get stuck under the bike and need help. I'm trying Donovan's trick now. I'll tell you how I go.
TAH DAH!! Ok, it took two if us, Anthony Tan has to pull while I threw the bike onto the back suspension as much as possible to lift the load off front suspension, and it slipped out. Next plan was to swing a strap over the roof of the shed and lift the front, but luckily that didn't have to happen.

Lifting the front is the key.

Scratched the f*** out of it though........ luckily not where you can see it.
Remind me to try and put it back on for you on Saturday morning. I'd love to try it. Mine's easy, so I'm curious to see why yours was so complex. I think your front may be lower than mine...
Hey Heidi,

Why do you wanna have the front guard off anyway?!?
I've always thought that busa's look much better with the guard left ON!?!
You've caught that awful "gotta reduce as much weight as possible" disease off pan....haven't you??!??
If ya do hafta listen to pan, whatever he says....don't remove the seat, tank, handlebars or wheels.........everything else is fair game but, I guess!?! Lol3Pi_thumbsupLol3
Don't listen to baz Heidi. Stick to the game-plan!
I hope I'm not workin' on Saturday....will try to come up to the creek & check all these "wild & whacky" mods right out....Pi_thumbsup

Yep, losing the front guard, seat and anything else I can work out how to bolt off! Then I might paint the whole thing red!

P.S. You are ABSOLUTELY putting the bloody thing back on Pan!!
Easy as Pan , us blokes can do it in our sleep ,take's a woman to make it difficult .

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here
(16-09-2010, 01:48am)Greeny_SA Wrote: Easy as Pan , us blokes can do it in our sleep ,take's a woman to make it difficult .
"casting dispersions on others credability." And their illiteracy.
I am taking no part in this common devaluing of Heidi's mechanical skills, and unless you two like hospital food, I would suggest you apologise promptly.
(16-09-2010, 08:11am)pan Wrote: I am taking no part in this common devaluing of Heidi's mechanical skills, and unless you two like hospital food, I would suggest you apologise promptly.

yeah pan do as i do when i see this happen walk away quietly lol
I'm sure I could have helped you Friday night at the
Sydney Secrete Hayabusa Pre Track Race party,
Just make a list for me Darling if you stuck, looks like I'm Heidi's Pit bitch Lol2
Damn, got here to late to offer advice.
Just put a bit of electrical tape on the guard where it will hit the forks, lift it as high as you can get it, then push the sides in toward the wheel, pull out forwards while tilting it down to follow the curvature of the tyre. It is a tight fit, but with the tape on the sides you dont have to worry about scratches.
The scratches you got should buff out with a decent polish Heidi.
Thanks Dave, I'll try that when I have to take it off again to get the damn thing home.

Yep Simmo, pre-race party..... shhhhhhh. Everyone will want one.
Just one word . . . why????Confused
[Image: dbusasml.jpg]
I don't want a pickle . . .

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