Turbo parts 4 me
2fast4uThanks for all your contibutions and having finally stripped the beast down i need barrels(shredder) and pistons to make it go again.Also i need to hear from ravestar as to who/what/where you got your sled tuned - much appreciated
Philfy SA
hay there philfy just seen this thread, got most of my kit from s+r pro in penrith nsw. i haven't started as yet gona send it there n tune it knowing my luck if i crank it over its gona go bang. heres a link http://www.sandrpro.com/home.htm
2fast4uCheers Ravestar , have picked parts up from Shredder and should start spannering by next weekend.If your in the neighbourhood feel free to drop in and have a look

Philfy SA - Mob 0402 844 124
ravestar Wrote:hay there philfy just seen this thread, got most of my kit from s+r pro in penrith nsw. i haven't started as yet gona send it there n tune it knowing my luck if i crank it over its gona go bang. heres a link http://www.sandrpro.com/home.htm

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