Bike Nostalgia - Remember When
Remember when bikes had 5 gears
Or four......Frown

No need for GPI's then Egyptian
Never ride the A model of anything.
or when you had to adjust points gap and actually change spark plugs every 10,000 miles instead of every 50,000k
Or when we all rode our Brit bikes into Elizabeth St & hung shit on the rice burners Roll
Never ride the A model of anything.
When the english could make motorbikes (but not the yanks--still trapped
in the sixtie's ) When rocket three's & triumph tridents ruled .

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here
Greeny_SA Wrote:When the english could make motorbikes (but not the yanks--still trapped
in the sixtie's )

I remember when gears where on the right and an excuse for brakes on the left.I was told thats what it was used for never worked for me but im old anywayConfused
I still own a Royal Enfield Bullet 350, with 4 gears, point and plug which needs replacement ever 5 to 7 K and it leaks oil every where - makes around 18 bhp and gear changing is very complex - gear lever on the wrong side. the engine sound is controlled by the thickness of the engine oil.......does any one need more details...and yes you can buy brand new one of this antiques.


Enfield Bullet hmmmmmm yeah, separate neutral gear lever ??

had a 500 twin portLol3
Never ride the A model of anything.
When bikes leaked f*(ckin oil for Gods sake!
When I was about 7 years old, one neighbour had a Vespa that he rode every day and another had an Indian in the shed that I never saw started.
I used to think that I would give anything to have that VESPA!!!
Dogs used to chase him up and down the street everytime he came or went.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
I remember catching the train into central after school and staring for what seemed like hours at Suzukiâ€s new series RM 125 motocross bike in a shop front window in Wentworth av surrey hills, 1974 or 75
Had a matchless 500 and used to think my mate AG100 was the ants pants!!!
Egos; everyone got one
It all started being on the back of my brothers Beeeeza
650 Lightning...
to this day I still feel the thumping torque and sound of that bike...
[Image: lightning.jpg]

When I grew up this was THE only bike that mattered...
[Image: honda_cb750_1969.jpg]

Then a while later this became my dream bike...
[Image: 122164101.jpg]

and then it was this...

[Image: yoshi-1100.jpg]

I had the cb and the Katana but never the Kwaka
never fly higher than your angel.

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