Is a difference ..............
Is a difference on a california and europe - USA type Hayabusa (08)
What then lasts Undecided
IceBusa Wrote:Is a difference on a california and europe - USA type Hayabusa (08)
What then lasts Undecided

Not really sure what you're trying to say there matey.....
What he is trying to say is that there is a hp OUTPUT difference on the USA models compared to the EURO models.
The USA models are lower in output.
Our OZZIE ones are the most powerful of course!
Average about 180hp off the showroom floor.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
different dyno honesty.Ive seen a dyno sheet of a piped gen2 making 176hp here in australia,and i know that bike would make close to 200 on another dyno in sydney.
Icebusa has already posted that the two international bikes were dynoed at the same time on the same dyno.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Il still stick with the usual horsepower indicator...
Your MPH trap speed at the quarter mile

An yes i know,weight of rider comes into acount too etc.
oh yeah your 180 against 178 makes sooo much difference to teh average rider on a stock biike gee glad I have the model ....... now we wont even start teh banter about the rider makes a difference lol ................

yep fire away .................
Egos; everyone got one

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