99 instrument panel into 03
My project is to fit a 99 instrument panel into my 03 Hayabusa.

Any input --- has anyone ever tried this?
Will it work ? <i></i>
As I understand it, it is a straight fit
you can also just fit 340 kph indiglo's to your stock dash instead, the speedohealer will compensate, Iv'e had mine since 03

Could be (a colorless gas (O3) soluble in alkalis and cold water; a strong oxidizing agent; can be produced by electric discharge in oxygen or by the action of ultraviolet radiation on oxygen in the stratosphere (where it acts as a screen for ultraviolet radiation))
Or maybe he's just some Wanker in WA !.<i></i>
i think you can just fit the earlier dash and its as accurate as they ever were, putting the 340 face on the 280 guages is where the speedo healer is needed (may need to confirm as i haven't actually done it) <i></i>
OhzOne I think I might just be about ready to copy that dash for my bike can you give me any info like where to purchase and fitting

that looks awesome mate Regards Bill

"Secret Mod Group Is Kicking Butt"

Busa's Rule On The Rest<i></i>
Hi Bill,
Here is the site

Mine are the 99 version and of course I added the speedohealer

www.speedhut.com 01+

www.speedhut.com 99/00

Oh and yes if you fit the 99dash it will be as accurate as normal and normal is 7 to 10% out

Could be (a colorless gas (O3) soluble in alkalis and cold water; a strong oxidizing agent; can be produced by electric discharge in oxygen or by the action of ultraviolet radiation on oxygen in the stratosphere (where it acts as a screen for ultraviolet radiation))
Or maybe he's just some Wanker in WA !.<i>Edited by: OhzOne&nbsp; at: 20/10/05 10:39 pm
Thanks Ohzone for your help & pics. & Maj750t , xhiler8r
for your input & time out to help me.
Hey Bill.
Dont do anything to your dash till we talk next week. Might have an offer too good to refuse here.

Tom <i></i>
99 instrument panel into my 03 Hayabusa
It worked perfectly well as predicted
I like the stock look of the 99instrement panel
as the busa speedo is 8 to 10 % out
speedohealer will finish the job nicely.
340 looks way better than 280 on the
clock. <i></i>
Hi guys,
can I ask how the speed healer helps? and how difficult is the guage set to take out, dismantle and get the new gauge faces on? That look fantastic. Pete, you see these things too don't you??

Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
The indiglo's are somewhat of a pain to fit
but with patience and a bit of time set aside for the job anybody should be able to do it

The speedhealer changes the number of pulses coming from the pickup using an a miniture computer to a different of frequency of pulse to the actual speedo.

The percentage of pulse is set-able via a number of dip switches on the unit

Could be (a colorless gas (O3) soluble in alkalis and cold water; a strong oxidizing agent; can be produced by electric discharge in oxygen or by the action of ultraviolet radiation on oxygen in the stratosphere (where it acts as a screen for ultraviolet radiation))
Or maybe he's just some Wanker in WA !.<i></i>
Great post OhzOne.

Lardass did you use a GPS or a Police radar gun to calibrate?? <i></i>
Giday Gazza I used a Gps, the speedo was reading about
63-64 at 60 & about 84-85 @ 80 all fixed .
Thanks again for the spedohealer Garry. <i></i>
Next : I need to fill out some forms.
Because the south
Australian laws prevent a person from interfering with odometer,Without the written approval from the
Commissioner for consumer Affairs.All i want is to reprogram the 99 odo eprom to the original 03
odometer reading. The form is a Request to alter or replace an odometer . fun, fun,fun, Not. <i></i>
Glad it worked out, and thanks to our friend in WA for taking the time to post the informative pics.

Just dont go out and get booked trying to nail that new speedo against the stop!!!!! <i></i>
Lardass. When you changed the dash to a 99, did it plug straight in or did you have to modify the plug on the back of the dash? I've been told that the harnesses are different. <i></i>

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