Busa's at Strip post your pics
Here's aBUSa & me havin a go at the Nationals
Now that is a great shot. Shame it got rained out. I Was

trying to get down there and have a go but just can't get any

one up here to put my 1397 in for me.

Have to try and work out how to post pics, just cant get it


I was lookiing at the resaults on WillowBank's site there were

some good runs down there. Did you have a chat to Griffo

from Makay, on the streched red and black Busa he is the man

behind OZ Drag Bike.com he I a great bloke to talk to. He is

posting everything that they are doing to the bike as the

project bike for the site.

Will have to wait till the National round at W.I.S.D. <i></i>
ta da...

Hey Fat Busa, email me pics and I'll post them for you...
pan@easy.com <i></i>
Still trying.

Kawasuki<i>Edited by: kawasuki at: 8/11/05 10:04 pm
Thanks Mate sent you some shots today see what you

can do with them

Regards Richard and Nina <i></i>
Yeah rich we caught up with griffo & cas from sydney as well. <i></i>
hey Shane your visor is still up quick put it down

Leonard. <i></i>
There ya go...

How the hell could you see that in the photo Leonard!

I have one of those automatic Visor Closers that operate around 90MPH.

I will have to work out how to do that...

Those are before and after shots. Keap an eye out for

the next issue of Rapid Bikes...................

Regards Richard and Nina...... <i></i>
The starter a Wsid wont let you go unless he see's the visor down!
Also spotted a slight lauching tecnique error with shreader's run- but no one likes a smart arse, so I'll let you figure that out

Leonard. <i></i>
Oh, I spotted it.

Someone has been listening to Marty's advice <i></i>
Leonard, the only reason I leave the visor up is with the humid weather my glasses and visor fog up with in seconds making it bloody hard to see the lights and the line. I have only just started to close the visor prior to pre staging and have switched to contacts to try and fix the problem!

Now if you are referring to the merits of having either the left-foot or right-foot down at the start line, I think both work for different reasons and when it comes to racing on the day its better to go with what you know! If its something else I am eager to hear!

As for the track, well there is probably more of a slight rise right up to the timing markers where it levels and drops away into the breaking area! A lot of the Group One vehicles have trouble pulling up before the kitty litter at end of the track!

I am eager to try my skills out at WSID amongst the Sydney Crew when we get there in 3 weeks time!

Shayne <i></i>
Shane, only letting you know what to expect thats all, Your right everyone has their own style and I wouldn't try to change that(Heaven knows I try but no one listens)

Cas, Marty who?????

Leonard. <i></i>
No worries Leonard, thanks for the heads up!

The glasses really gives me the shits sometimes but I have made do up till now!
Cas might be refering to Marty Searl, ModBikeNo1 on Australian Drag Bike, he is one of the quicker riders in this part of town as the name might indicate, his bike is in last years Andra Rule Book under ModBike if you want to check it out!

So did I get it right or was I totally off the mark about the technique thing!

Anyway is anyone running a 10.0 on a basically Stock Bus in Sydney!

Shayne <i>Edited by: aBUSa at: 11/11/05 12:25 am

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