{VIC} Eastern freeway coppers
For those not on netrider, or who missed it.

A bloke was travelling on the Eastern freeway and was pulled over by the constabulary.
He was, by his own admission, speeding +10-15
They didn't bother booking him for speeding, they were targeting fender eliminators and they gave him a defect.
So keep an eye out on the Eastern, seems like the fendergate saga continues.

Since I now have your undivided attention.
Does this smack to anyone else of rank hipocracy and blatant revenue raising? I thought speed was what kills, not missing rear guards.
"and when I gun the engine I want people to think that the world is coming to an end"
Blatant hypocrasy(??) yes, but coulda been worse....... No rear fender & speeding!!
People are like turtles....... you don't move forward unless you stick your neck out!! Boobies4
(11-10-2012, 01:06pm)PostmanPete Wrote: Blatant hypocrasy(??) yes, but coulda been worse....... No rear fender & speeding!!

No "rank hipocracy"

It's like hypocrisy except it has a better hat and carries a +10 dwarven axe of retardation.

And yes you're right, he could have been done for a lot more.
"and when I gun the engine I want people to think that the world is coming to an end"
Yep, how dare they. It was completely the riders own choice to fit and/or remove part(s) of the bike to make it not comply with the ADR and they bust him for it and give him a fine. What pricks. Not only that, they let him off for speeding too. That cop should have been out busting cagers instead of stopping a speeding motorcyclist on an unroadworthy bike.
(11-10-2012, 02:10pm)BikerBoy Wrote: Yep, how dare they. It was completely the riders own choice to fit and/or remove part(s) of the bike to make it not comply with the ADR and they bust him for it and give him a fine. What pricks. Not only that, they let him off for speeding too. That cop should have been out busting cagers instead of stopping a speeding motorcyclist on an unroadworthy bike.

In SA ,a fender eliminator gets you a $400 Fine & Is the easiest pinch for the cop's . Anyone who fit's one & then complains is just an idiot .Like a red rag to a bull ,you'll get pinched if sighted so why attract their attention .Some blokes just can't help Themselves .Yes biker boy I know its sarcasm on your post .

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here
Q. Should I remove my elimonator and refit my fender, remove my R77's and fit the stock pipes, remove my White lens tail light and refit the red one, remove the rear hugger, all before I head to Mexico for the GP????

" Live the Vision "
Quote "When was the last time You did something for the First Time"
(11-10-2012, 05:50pm)Vellaterra Wrote: Q. Should I remove my elimonator and refit my fender, remove my R77's and fit the stock pipes, remove my White lens tail light and refit the red one, remove the rear hugger, all before I head to Mexico for the GP????

Yes and say 9 hail marys too you CRIMINAL
Not too sure if it's a sarcastic rhetorical question......... Just in case it's not, I wouldn't. They probably this bike because of the speeding, then changed their minds to ping him for the eliminator.

(11-10-2012, 05:50pm)Vellaterra Wrote: Q. Should I remove my elimonator and refit my fender, remove my R77's and fit the stock pipes, remove my White lens tail light and refit the red one, remove the rear hugger, all before I head to Mexico for the GP????

People are like turtles....... you don't move forward unless you stick your neck out!! Boobies4
Vic bike cops HUNT bikers here... Keep your eye's open in Vic boys trust me. I never see them going to GP from melb but I'm sure they would prowl you bloody interstate 'HOONS'.

In saying that though, I've been pulled over a few times on the Busa by bike cops, I won't list my mods but lets just say if thay wanted to really look.....I have a list of mods that they may not like, not dangerous but still. Why they keep pulling me over, well, I like Gforce...c'mon.
Fender eliminators are such a minor modification it's f**king ridiculous. It feels like you're leasing your own bike from them.
What's next? Will officer dickhole allow you the privilege of changing (on your own bike) your grips, or your seat colour?
Sorry for my ignorance but is the fender iliminator modification when you just cut off the rear mud guard?? My mate did that and got fined for that as well as his Shoei AS number on the chin guard was rubbed off.
Oh, I forgot, I left out the Silica Seat. I am GOOOOOOOOONNNNNEEEEE..........

Bloody Mexicans
" Live the Vision "
Quote "When was the last time You did something for the First Time"
(11-10-2012, 09:47pm)aussiemonster Wrote: The cops don't make the laws, the politicians do Pi_freak

Hounds don't put the foxes there, but they certainly like killing them Coolsmiley
Lets all live like The Commos do, All drive the same cars, all ride the same bikes. Yeh, we all can all wear the same clothes too, Then if you step out of line.........

Come On, This is the land of the lucky, I am an individual and my bloody Busa is not going to look like the next one beside it, its that simple. But I am sure that my outragous thoughts will soon overheard by some copper who by justifying his Badge will see me as an "easy pray" target, pull me over and throw the book at me. What for, For being a druggy, for being a theif, for armed robbery, for killing some one........ Oh No, not all all. I will be taken down because of the ADR Laws. One look at my Death de Fying machine would make any sane Man instantly think that I, I the bad boy Busa Rider is the criminal for all the upheavel that is created in our society.
Mr Badge Man would then slap a defect sticker on my outragous machine so that as I ride on every conformist will see this most evil person in our society being made an example of.

This is my point, can I be any clearer..........

This is what shits me
" Live the Vision "
Quote "When was the last time You did something for the First Time"

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