track days aside...
and land speed racing....
and 1/4 mile racing....

Is there a circuit racing class the hayabusa can run in?...

The neighbor who rides a thruxton posed the question (respectfully) as to why he'd never seen a busa in the iomtt, I didn't know how to answer him, I looked into the rules an found out why, the capacity, then I looked at other circuit racing formats and found much the same thing.

He'd love to see it, i'm sure others would too, I thought of the nurembourg ring(sp?) but its more of a 24hr thing is it not?

Because we don't see our bikes much at all in this format of mainstream racing is why many believe our busa's cant corner...

i tried to explain the design, concept and then how that is moulded by marketing and driven by sales, IE: wind tunnel tested to emulate the falcon, its iconic looks, front fork rake etc. is designed to run land speed...with a nod to the drag race fraternity has a shift light, due to capacity, its easily modified to go quick (1/4 mile, 1/8 mile). The US market and their preference to modify was a big factor in the gen2 release...A big capacity bike, that tours well, is fast, and quick, and because its a bike for the streets it had to corner.. i know its highlights, i know its downfalls.

It was an odd question, i found it difficult to explain, thought i'd share and ask for thoughts.
Hot Coffee , Fast :Biker:

Won its class in the Suzuka 8 hours Race against R1's / ZX9R's etc.
I thought there was a class they raced in (and dominated) but I could be wrong - formula extreme ???

This is going back many moons ago, back when a busa was only a dream to me ..
thnx guys =) he see's the iomtt as the ultimate guage of a motorcycle and had to know why no one ever runs it. I offered up the usual responces, like "would you take a ktm to the Bonneville salt flats.." and "dirt bike to the quarter" I said "yes to both if ya wanna have fun, but not to be seriously competitive".

I didn't consider the 8 hour, and ofc that's where ours would shine.

I kinda get where he's coming from though, i'd like to see pan do iomtt lol. an i'd like to see our bikes in racing with other like sized competition yanno. I guess that's where my interest wanes, I go yay Suzuki at iomtt, and think, its a gixxer thou...
Hot Coffee , Fast :Biker:

Thopmy, I suggest you contact one of your local motorcycle clubs. These racing ones. Most of them have an "unlimited class" where you can race whatever you got. I think only turbo charged bikes are the exception. There is also C20 class for the bikes build untill a specific year. That changes as the time goes by, but there is no limit for engine capacity. So if you have an early Gen 1 busa you can start there. In addition there is also a class for the beginners where you really race against another riders not the bikes. They are called "Bracket Racing" and you are groupped with riders with a similar lap times as yours irrespect of what you are riding. So it is a mixture of all sort of bikes from two stroke 125cc to 1400 ZXR fourstrokes with anything in between. And do not think this is unfair contest because the little 125 or 250cc craps all over all the heavier ones in the corners. It is a really good fun and taking away the stress and the nerves of copmetition. As you get better at it you just competing in the faster group of riders. We have all these in all our club and interclub races so I am sure the other states will have a similar setup as most are really struggling with getting enough people into racing. A lot of riders came to the ride days but are not really willing to race because they feel intimidated and worry that they will be "in a way" of the faster guys. F^ck that, just get there and block everyone behind you. If they are really faster they will find a way around you.

Oh, that was long. Cheers.
"It is not a shame to not know, the shame is to not know and not to ask"

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