How Fast have you been on land???
Just got back from China Yesterday.

They have a train over there that goes 431kmph.
Had to do it!!! Incredible - it even leaned through corners!

By the time it had slowed back down to 300 it felt quite slow. Looking out the window though, travelling through Shanghai you got a great sensation of speed.

Pity the whole ride only lasts 8 minutes, and max speed lasts about 2 minutes.

You'd have to stick your head out of the window to really enjoy the experience.

300 quite slow! Yep I'll run with that one...

Have been on the French TGV's and the German equiv's and also the slow British rails equiv..

400 odd K's is real quick

I sit in planes alot but ya never know it....will be in 1 this afternoon ..I'll see how fast the clouds are moving!!!

That train in China sounds great
thats very cool!! Fastest I have been is winding my busa off the clock lol engine kept going tho - so only god will know what speed I actually hit "Busa riders always count in three's.... 100, 200, 300"

431kph is 267mph!!!

Holy crap that's a helluva lot of coal to shovel Very Happy Petes turbo project
yeah well you cant talk fast untill youve been for a drive in my mums carolla w
f*** and that's a train?
The fastest I have ever been on land is last Sunday when I got home at 5pm from ride and said around 2pm.
Had to meet up with the family at Lygon St for pizza...
THAT was faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaast running! Cheers,

Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography, Bullshit Artist!
Arent we supposed to be getting a fast train from melb-canb-syd ??? im sure there was one being planned
You are correct Dan but its not going to be as quick going back down south for some reason
Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all poor slow copies !!!!!
Trains, trains, trains. That's all you can say?

Why do you guys carry on about how fast your friggen train is? If ya want to go fast just sell the train and buy a jet plane. You guys just talk about the train for bragging rights... You can't even ride the train fast... I bet If I had my Busa and you had your train I could still beat you up the Reefton...
RIGHTON Pan what a fuggin wank bet that train only hits full throttle once in every blue moon. Total waste. How does it go thru corners - total shit - old puffing billy would smack it up the reefton.
People who ride in that rain only do cause its the fastest. Wankers - wait till a faster train is released bet they feel like shit then Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
only done 149.5mph at the strip so far....

I cant wait to go down to the salt for a run....
Regards Richard

When the Clutch Drops the Bull Shit Stops

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