Happy Australia Day everyone
Eat, drink, be merry, and above all celebrate being part of the greatest country in the world - I know I will!!!
"Busa riders always count in three's.... 100, 200, 300"

Ditto.... and if you're in NSW, remember its a double demerits day....

A few of us are meeting up at the Road Warriors Cafe on the Old Pacific Hwy at about 11am today (Busgo, Ruffy and myself) - so if you're having a slow morning and want to dust off your bike, why not come up and join us. I'll be there until about 1pm.

Also, its Market Day out at Wollombi today so if you wanted to do a longer run it would be well worth it. Just remember Lemmings Corner(s) and there are a lot of gravel patches on the road - I was out there on Tuesday. For those who have not done that run before, keep an eye out for the Lemmings Corner signs and remember, its not one corner, its a series of corners one after the other - and they have claimed a lot of riders. On Tuesday I was almost wiped out by a 4WD that was completely on my side of the road through that section. Luckily I was already on high alert so I was able to get out of the way in time.

Whatever you're doing today... be safe and ENJOY !

The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... RobEdited by: AstroBusa at: 26/1/07 9:08
Me and a few mates are having a Triple J hottest 100

BBQ, I'm going tot leave the bike at home, eat drink and listen

to the some of the best music in Australia Regards Richard

You're the guy that'll be sneaking out of your bedroom at three o'clock in the morning to look at your bike. Paul Teutul,Sr. American Chopper

yeah dont forget to f*&^ing come get me Richard!!!!!!!!!! bring the car i needc to put the case or three somewere Dan....
Hello Possum's, Stone the Crows, how much can a Koala Bear. I'm as dry as a dead Dingo's Donger. I'll have a Tinny or two and throw another prawn on the Bar B..


Im having a paint tne house tripple j hottest 100 party instead of being out on the bike in this great weather. Hang on the wifes cracking the whip again.
Well yes indeedy its a hot one in Qld. Mr Tony went for a ride this morning and we will be having a bbq for dinner. Love this country and will hopefully become a citizen next year. So I had better start learning all 5 verses of waltzing matilda. Still have to support the All Blacks and the Silver Ferns tho Salutations

If you look like your passport photo, you probably need a holiday


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