Puff of Blue Smoke !
Been to check out a used Busa Copper Bronze 99 Mod with
15400 plus km on the odometer. Well as the sales guy fills her up with fuel for my test run as he rev's her down the drive way I was watching from behind and seen a puff of blue smoke from both stock mufflers stock bike too.
Mind you the bike was cold.

I did not expect to see this on a low km busa was very clean not even a scratch on it..
Although the test run was very pleasing smooth box changes great brakes and balance. I was not with it on cornering just slow and easy.I guess I need more raw busa riding to improve my techniques.

Is this normal when the bike is cold given her a bit of a rev? Or is this an indication of extensive mechanical repairs?

Maybe a new one is the go !
What are your views on this guys and gals ?
Many thanks Confused Bill !

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