Victorian Calendar, 2002
I have sent a document that to all Victorian members that I can contact. It lists probable ride days for the rest of the year, so people can "book them in".

If you have not received this document and you want a copy, let me know.

In summary:

Mark these ride days in your calendar! All bikes welcome, so get your riding mates to mark these date in their calendars too. Pillions welcome.

Sunday 17th March
Saturday 20th April
Sunday 2nd June
Saturday 13th July
Sunday 18th August
Saturday 12th October
((Sunday 20th October – Grand Prix??))
Sunday 10th November
Saturday 14th December

Destinations/Meeting points TBA here on the discussion board.

Let me know if you are or are not coming. This saves me contacting everyone to remind them.

If you know a ride, or even better, will lead a ride, let me know.

Richard Home: 03 9530 3433 Mobile: 0403 76 76 76 Edited by: demeester  at: 2/19/02 8:01:50 am
I like the calendar idea Richard.

What about a designated annual "pillion day" when riders must bring a pillion passenger (partner or perhaps son or daughter). Plan a ride of a moderate distance that takes in good quality roads and riding styles can be a bit more "relaxed", make it a more sociable event. I think my wife would be a bit more comfortable with something like that if she knew all the bikes were going to be two up. Of course that would not preclude people from bringing pillions on any of the other gazetted rides as well.

What are everyones thoughts on that?
It's alright everyone, I can take "no" for an answer.
Scott, I have found that there are a lot of people who just take it all on board, and worry about it later... We'll play it by ear over who turns up to rides when, and how many have pillions who are hesitant to come on regular rides. In the end, we will cater these rides for those who come along.
awwwwwwww.... don't feel bad scott, the idea was great and i'm very interested, just can't commit so far in advance, will let you guys know 5 minutes before, that should be enough?
Scott - you think you can do the August ride?
demeester I can make it 10 november & 14 of december just let me know where to meet & time
I have certainly had my share of riding in the last three weeks. Also, people are getting busy at this time of year.

Am thinking instead of a ride this Saturday, what if we just meet up for lunch somewhere and possibly do a short ride depending on who's up for what afterwards?
I'm working this weekend I'm afraid, but if people are interested in doing dinner, I'd be up for that.
I think there are too many Chrissie things happening for dinner. Will check my diary, but probably a no from me...
Actually, dinner may be OK, but I'ld prefer lunch.

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