Has anyone noticed ?
That since all the crap has started flying around this boardthat lots of people are viewing the posts but VERY FEW are contributing. Thats what happens when this sort of crap starts flying.

I suggest a contest for all those guilty of crapping onthe discussion board. It's called Hayaboosaring - the ancientJapanese art of duelling motorcycles.

The opponentsare placed back to back - on their bikes of course with the rearwheels touching. A stout rope is used to tie the two opponentstogether and leaving exactly 30 feet of slack between the two.Serious breaches dictate the the ropes are secured to more sensitiveparts of the anatomy but for minor offences tied around the neckis sufficient.

On the green flag and not before, thetwo opponents then compete to see who can pull the longest wheely.

Simple but effective.
Are you going to show us how it is done?, since its your Ideayou should demonstrate it, sounds like loads of fun if you arewatching...
When crap start flying people get intimidated.

Your right H, some people do get intimidated but its more thanthat. More mature people just can't be bothered and go somewhereelse.

So to those who cannot help themselves pleasebe aware you will kill this club for everyone else.

If you have a personal problem sort it out personally pleaseand not on this or any other board.

Let us all haveFUN !!!
I was (having fun) and then it turned personal (with someoneelse!)

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