Nearly done my ticket today
Mutha Wrote:
Heidi1 Wrote:Stay really calm in the letter and just state the facts as you see them including your (fairly) clean riding record. Also state that you ride your bike every day for work. Dot point if you have to to keep it simple. Email it to me if you want a second opinion, I'm not a lawyer, but I know HEAPS of big words.

HEIDi xxx

Thanks Heidi, I will draft up a letter and email it to you, I am taking all the advice offered, thanks people. I checked my demerit point extract and my last speeding fine was the 02/01/2004. My last fine was for Disobey Traffic Sign on the 19/06/2004' and before all of that it was 13/06/2002.

I had a incident last month at a with a red light camera. I know the set of lights and I use them at least half a dozen times a day.
I went in to look at the photo today and I am sitting just over the white line with my feet planted on the ground. So I wasn't moving when the camera when off in both pic's. I know why I was over the line. It was because are car was tailgateing me down flinders street. he was right behind and to close for comfort. You can't see the car behind me in the photo, because a truck is blocking the camera's view. So I am going to be writing to civic compliance about that too.

Cheers T Biker

The good new is I still have a licence, the bad news is they didn't let me off the Red light camera ticket. I also had a speeding fine I was going to write to civic compliance about too. But I figured, why bother, So I'm just gonna put up and shut up and pay the f#ckers. Knuppel2

Thank you Heidi for helping me out with my letter to civic compliance. Clap

Cheers Tez Biker
never fly higher than your angel.

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