Bored off my nuts
The poor bugger will be as rich as buggery one day, the next he will be hit by a bus and end up the richest bloke in the cemetery! I hope not, but it's odds on bloke, ya can't take it with you you know!

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Madmax Wrote:It would be too bloody cold at this time of the year to go the new England wouldn't it Rod?


good point Max you might have to get the maps out or contact someone up that way for best route
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
Just a word of warning Max, The Thunderbolt's Way is closed for Snow.
I suggest you take the coast mate.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Have you left yet Max? Remember I have that small rear sprocket if you wanted to save some fuel economy on the highway.
This is what i think of my job.. here is an extract of an email to my boss

Are we ever going to things in the way a proper IT development shop would or are we just going to keep screwing around.. Every time we make these decisions we put more pressure on development and test staff because these short term solutions turn into bigger development and management issues later.. should I just start applying for jobs or what because I'm sick of working on crap, chasing down rubbish and turning what would otherwise be simple concise development job into painfull and difficult tasks.
[Image: bmr.gif]
My investment comes in the form of a family trust when my parents pass away.. seem they sold their financial planning research, stock brocking and software company to zurich, I shall be one of these kids that buys bikes for fun beause dad was good enough to be like Josh..
[Image: bmr.gif]
hehehe...yer i reckon my kids are going to be spoilt brats.......and i'm gonna be one of those old rich c******* with fake friends who goes to the golf club on weekends...jokes

I better watch out though, hard to balance fun + super good future.
one thing for sure if i ever have kids the only thing i will be leaving them is a bill.Coolsmiley
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
Madmax Wrote:The poor bugger will be as rich as buggery one day, the next he will be hit by a bus and end up the richest bloke in the cemetery! I hope not, but it's odds on bloke, ya can't take it with you you know!

Reminds me of an Alanis Morrisette song !
Woman,where's my wallet?
And whats for tea?
reminds me of me when i was Josh's age, young IT nerd, I was married to another young IT nerd, doing really well in business.. Then when I got divorced I realised how much I was concentrating on career and work rather than friends and family. I quit my job.. tradded the Aprillia on the Kwak ZX12 the next day and took about 18 months off work.. financially not so smart but to this day I have no regrets. The more you have the more it costs you to protect what you have. Financially, physically and emotionaly (did i spell any of those correctly?)

Now, got to send off that $1400 worth of busa insurance, just another cost generated by having enough money to buy yet another toy
[Image: bmr.gif]
Thanks Heidi, I would love it. What are you up to this arvo after work? I'm going to put the stock wheels back on as the BT56s are like new and will save me $500 that a new set of tyres would run me.
Putting the standard footpeg brackets back on to lower my feet a little along with the Gixxer footpegs for another inch.

Not leaving until Tuesday as I have two overtime shifts to get through Saturday and Sunday nights, rest Monday and ride Tuesday. - The coast road is slow and boring but the permafrost of the New England is unsettling to say the least.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Hey man, what you say is so true, i'm engaged at the moment myself, so moving towards a very similiar position that you were once in.

It does feel like over the past year i've lost touch with my past. Not so much my close family (mum & bro) or fiance but more so with friends from my home area & with simply being young & having a bit of fun. Most of my weekends end up being spent sitting around wondering about what to do next, what job next, when the next bill is, etc etc. I'm always thinking about the next destination so much I think i forget to live.

Wise words from you my friend, i'll take it on board. True about no regrets, i remember when I was 18 years old, only bloody 2 years ago, but feels longer, I recieved a considerable lump sum from an estate & rather than do good things with it, I whittled away, partied hard and generally had a complete ball on my year off after school.

If I went back, there is no way I would trade that time in to do something else. Ultimately, as I said earlier I want to be free, being able to just f*** off and take 18 months off would be perfect, & knowing that it wouldn't hurt my money situation would also be great, but I guess i've gotta decide whether i'll sacrifice my youth, which could be argued as the best years in favour of my later life.

Personally though, I feel like an old man in a young body, all the guys at work here that are my age think i'm in my late 20's. I'm kinda half half, I do silly young guy stuff 50% of the time, then think like a wise old man the other 50%. I Make it hard for myself going from extreme to extreme.

I actually look forward to older age as I see it as a chance to enjoy the fruits of life, and knowing that i'll be fairly well off by then gives me comfort, but i'm in no rush to get there. Guess i'll take a step back and look at my life a bit Coolsmiley

reminds me of me when i was Josh's age, young IT nerd, I was married to another young IT nerd, doing really well in business.. Then when I got divorced I realised how much I was concentrating on career and work rather than friends and family. I quit my job.. tradded the Aprillia on the Kwak ZX12 the next day and took about 18 months off work.. financially not so smart but to this day I have no regrets. The more you have the more it costs you to protect what you have. Financially, physically and emotionaly (did i spell any of those correctly?)

Now, got to send off that $1400 worth of busa insurance, just another cost generated by having enough money to buy yet another toy
I think I remember counselling another grasshopper of the Canberra Chapter (you know who you are Sting). You are only young once, get out there, shag yourself senseless, spend all your money on booze and get arrested a few times. Life is for living. Worry about the morgage when you have no other choice.

HEIDi xxx

P.S. I'm around most of the weekend Max, just give me a call.

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