Some new info & pics 2008 Busa
I was just browsing the WEBSITE from the states and dealers are accepting deposits for rideaway price of $11,848.00 US. in Florida for the K8 BUSA.

At today's exchange rate of 0.88, that is about $13,300.00 AUS. BUT, we all know that that is not going to happen don't we!
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Hi Ray, I've been told about 19-20 grand, but who knows, the current model is about 17, and the second hand ones have dropped
Whats the 14 priced at ? it will be just cheaper than that......
When i was at Springwood Suzuki a couple of weeks ago enquiring about the 08 Busa, the sales bloke assured me that that the 08 model would be no more than $500 more than the current 07. Infact it may be the same price. Which makes it anywhere between 16.5k and 19.5k. I think it will be closer to 19.5k tho.

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