New Bike Accessories Shop
One of our newer members - Weebnuts - is opening a new BIKER BARN accessories shop in Newcastle next Thursday with a Grand Opening day next Saturday the 17th November.

There will be some of SCOTTY'S CHOPPERS on show for the grand opening.

The shop is behind the Subway restaurent and next door to the Heatherbrae 7 - 11 Petrol station on the Pacific Hwy near Raymond Terrace..

There will be special discounts on the grand opening day and a continuous 10% discount for Australian Hayabusa Club members.

(He has the Joe Rocket Hayabusa jackets in stock along with thousands of other goodies)
[Image: 2wheelsuperstore.jpg]
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
DOes he have a website on the way?? Would he like one??
gixxer Wrote:DOes he have a website on the way?? Would he like one??
There is a website advertised above, but so far it is still a "Coming Soon"...

I'll be popping over Friday afternoon for a look.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
I think i might head up there tomorrow too... worth a look :)
Yep, definately cruising over about 1-2pm today (Friday). If you are there, look for a black SS Commodore and NOT a new Orange Busa :(
Dropped in today to check the new store out. Looks good so far. They have a bit of stock left to get in yet, but their pricing seems quite good, even before any discount.

Picked up a set of gloves that I have seen locally for $199, for $149 minus another 10% -> $134.

And they have about half a dozen Suzuki Busa textiles in there if anyone wants to get one.
I'd have to agree it's worth a look..
I called in on friday too....

Really well laid out and i loved the jackets on offer...only thing is i just got a new one...

Woth a trip up/down if your within riding distance...

I'm prob heading back up there this arvo to have another look....and check out the choppers
I spent a couple of hours there this morning with Garbo, Linda, Cliff, Tracy, Mike and Clara.

The shop is a real smart setup.
I came away $400 poorer but I love the new Helmet.
More photos in the Club photos section.
[Image: 100_1085.jpg]

[Image: 100_1084.jpg]
[Image: 100_1086.jpg]

The lid is a new M2R helmet with gold iridium visor and clear visor.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
farkin nice lid busgo, that looks awesomeDrool

roll on jindy Biker
[Image: 583b3abf-1.jpg]

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