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First apologies as this is not about bikes but it may affect many of the members who hopefully wont get caught out like I did.

Up until 30 June this year the CSA didn't take into consideration the non custodial parents care of their children unless they had them for about 100 or more nights. So you paid the same support payments if you never saw your kids or if you had them sleep over 99 nights per year.

Amongst other things that has now changed and they make adjustments if you have the kids for 52+ nights per year.

Heres the crunch. The assumption in the new assessments is that the custodial parent has 100% care, even if like me you have your kids stay with you.

Unless you are aware of this change in the threshold you may think this doesn't affect you. However, if you have them for 52 days or more you payment calulation is adjusted - but only from the date you advise them.

So in my case not being aware of the lower threshold I accepted the 100% care attributed to my ex (as per last years rules). It was only on getting my tax done and advising the CSA that my income increased that I was aware of the change.

The outcome; the CSA will recalculate my support payments based on my taxable income back to 1 July 08, but will not factor in the 25% adjustment I should have until the date that I told them of my "changed circumstances" - even though nothing had actually changed.

The outcome, I will be required to pay an additional $675/mth for the four months until they recognise my "changed circumstance".

So one is backdated, the other isn't.

So if you have an assessment and take care of your kids check what proportion of care the CSA are attributing to you.

One more change you may not be aware of.

The amount of Child support payment is calculated on your total income minus a "living amount".
Up until last year the "Total Amount" on income was capped at $110,000.00 / yr
If a person earned more than this they paid CSA as per an income of $110k.
This has now been changed, so that the full value of income is used for the calculation.

I was already paying the maximum (over $1400/mth for 1 child) & now my payment has increased by $350 / mth.

And my daughter's loving mother hasn't worked for 15yrs & rings me & abuses me if the payment is 1 day late.
On top of that, she refuses to pay half of anything. I wanted my daughter to come & visit us in China when we lived there. Would have been a fantastic opportunity for her. But her mother refused to let her go unless I paid for it all 100% + paying her Child support as well.
My daughter didn't get to go to China.

Her mother's goal in life is to bleed as much money as possible from me before it runs out.

Rant over. The CSA gets me soooo angry. & my daughter's mother's attitude doesn't help.


ohdear Wrote:Now look at the total amount you pay monthly then realise that your contribution is supposed to be half and you will realise that you have damn expensive children Scary So much so that the "together" couple unless they are Brad and Angellina couldn't afford them.

I'm paying nearly $22,000 / yr to the CSA for 1 child. But they KINDLY gave me a reduction of $10,000 on my salary calculation as recognition for my other daughter who is living with me 100%.
The reason the CSA give; "That's all you need for 1 child per year". So why am I paying out double.?????
Boy what a rip , we all know that the kids have to be looked
after ,but surley the bitch shouldnt be part of it?? But sounds like it is ,they should have some type of obligation to get a

job or at least part time work instead of being a leech...
Lionel Murphy`s Laws are kept under lock and key for the next 50 years probably. Where are all the expert Constituional BumBoys {Lawyers} to fix these crooked Feminist Laws? Wtf