Full Version: Welders advice needed please!
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Billy the kid

Ok,this one says it is made on down under!
tig welder on ebay

Is it worth the money for what it can deliver?I will be welding tubes and plies for mountain bikes mainly from aluminium and titanium.

Let me know what you think of it,or if you can suggest something better....at this price..
If you want a good reliable portable welder get an ESAB Caddy.
They are a great reliable unit which can be used as a stick or a tig welder.

They are lightweight & easily carted about.
We use them on heavy construction sites for the pipe welders. I've had one at home now for about 8yrs.

ESAB's are a good system, reliable. I've used many other units. I generally had no favourites, it just depends on what you want to get out of the machine (portability, power availability, or workshop only set up)
you do know that just having a tig set wont let you do titainium????
exceedingly hard metal to weld, normaly done in a vacum chamber. know for a fact! did heaps of research trying to find a way for a normal joe to put an o2 sensor in a tit pipe.


Billy the kid

tomrux Wrote:you do know that just having a tig set wont let you do titainium????
exceedingly hard metal to weld, normaly done in a vacum chamber. know for a fact! did heaps of research trying to find a way for a normal joe to put an o2 sensor in a tit pipe.

Oh Yeah i know the pameters of ti welding!I got some tips both on open welding and on chamber.

One guy from UK suggested a tub 10-15 inches deep with washed gravel at the bottom so it can keep the argon flow within.That is one thing.But i'm going for a sealed chamber or a separate room.

if anyone can spot a used ac/dc tig welder,plasma cutter please let me know!!