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hey all..

ok the usual xmas toy runs have ben done and dusted..

i have heard of one to junee. nsw

early feb..

anyone from here going?

we nearly a true bet to go

.i want to see monte cristo. aussies most hunted house
Monte Christo is spooky.
2 friends and I stopped at Monte Christo on the way back home from Philip Island GP a couple of years ago and stayed for about 1/2 an hour taking photos from the outside.
Just as we left, one of the guys had a heart trauma.
His heart was beating at double rate and would not stop even after laying in the shade doing nothing for over 30 mins. We went straight to hospital where they had to give him a sedative of some sort as well as all sorts of tests.
The doc cleared him to travel about 2 hours later and could not give a medical explanation based on the tests they carried out.

Back on the subject. A toy run in Feb sounds odd timing but always worth supporting.
HI Cheeky,
I live in Wagga,which is about 36ks from Junee.
I have contacted the lady who is the licencee of the Locomotive Hotel in Junee and she has told me there is no toy run planned but on sat. 7th February they are having their annual Poker Run.
Said they had over three hundred bikes last year and hope to get more this year. Seemed all fired up and said can be contacted on
0269241326. Sorry didn't get her name ,or whether she is actually a biker.

As for Monte Cristo its a Haunted house ,not hunted,but you will probably get hunted if you annoy the ghost or dont pay.
Lol2 Bump


lordy the typo police are out to get me..lol

yes i know exzactly where wagga is.its a skip and a jump from me.

i was only going on what a friend had told me.yay so its a poker run even better.

i cant wait too meet a ghost or two. hubbys going to top gear on the thurs night and i,m either meeting him in wagga or i will go straight through too junee with the others.