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Just had an interesting if not exhausting morning trying to kill a rat. Developers bless em have cleared all the bush from around where I live, last year it was a garden full of snakes, the other day found rat shit in the spare room. Thinkin the cats caught it and brought it in. Anyhoo buys a big rat trap sets the bait etc soddin rat couldn't give a toss. So today went about catchin the bugger. Man they're fast. Had to empty the spare room more or less completely, no mean feat as my misses is an ebay hoarder/seller and full of her stuff, eventually found the rat hiding behind a bookcase. So armed with a filleting knife attached to the end of fishing rod off we go. Dunno who ended up more knackered me or the rat, chased it round that soddin room for a good hour an half, get it cornered between a wall and bookcase or chest of drawers, go for the kill and bugger would just wriggle and I'd miss. Eventually managed to pin it on the knife and stick it to the wall behind a chest of drawers. Stopped for a coffee before pulling the drawers out but when I went in it was on the run again. Knife was so sharp it puled itself off. Bit more of a runaround got it again, this time pinned it to the floor, went and got another knife and attached it to another rod and gave it a real good stabbing up. Bugger me if it was still runnin when I took the knifes out, it has to be said by now it wasn't running too well so third time lucky, got it again and this time belted the crap out of it with a 36mm crescent wrench. Happy Pommie now, no more rat, misses dry heavin cleanin up the mess and I'm goin for a ride. Anyone else do anythin out of the ordinary today ??Yes


I'm about to start cleaning out my spare room and sending it over to where I am moving, might just go grab a shotgun or something easier just in case Lol3
Raging Wrote:I'm about to start cleaning out my spare room and sending it over to where I am moving, might just go grab a shotgun or something easier just in case Lol3

You'd have to be quick to get the bugger with a shotty I reckon. They have a 6th sense that tells them when you gonna pull the trigger/throw the knife/stab it


poor rat.
Rats have feelings too you know.

Some of my best friends are rats.
DjPete Wrote:poor rat.
Rats have feelings too you know.

Some of my best friends are rats.

Yeah that one dont anymore, and if it was a more thoughtful rat then it would of gone into the trap and been fed, then taken out bush and released. Only ended up deceased cos it was a spiteful malevolant big sharp pointy toothed varmint that couldnt take a hint


Quote:Only ended up deceased cos it was a spiteful malevolant big sharp pointy toothed varmint that couldn't take a hint.

Pommie Wrote:Just had an interesting if not exhausting morning trying to kill a rat. Developers bless em have cleared all the bush from around where I live, last year it was a garden full of snakes, the other day found rat shit in the spare room. Thinkin the cats caught it and brought it in. Anyhoo buys a big rat trap sets the bait etc soddin rat couldn't give a toss. So today went about catchin the bugger. Man they're fast. Had to empty the spare room more or less completely, no mean feat as my misses is an ebay hoarder/seller and full of her stuff, eventually found the rat hiding behind a bookcase. So armed with a filleting knife attached to the end of fishing rod off we go. Dunno who ended up more knackered me or the rat, chased it round that soddin room for a good hour an half, get it cornered between a wall and bookcase or chest of drawers, go for the kill and bugger would just wriggle and I'd miss. Eventually managed to pin it on the knife and stick it to the wall behind a chest of drawers. Stopped for a coffee before pulling the drawers out but when I went in it was on the run again. Knife was so sharp it puled itself off. Bit more of a runaround got it again, this time pinned it to the floor, went and got another knife and attached it to another rod and gave it a real good stabbing up. Bugger me if it was still runnin when I took the knifes out, it has to be said by now it wasn't running too well so third time lucky, got it again and this time belted the crap out of it with a 36mm crescent wrench. Happy Pommie now, no more rat, misses dry heavin cleanin up the mess and I'm goin for a ride. Anyone else do anythin out of the ordinary today ??Yes

You are one animal there Pommie. Good for you. Political correctness is dead at the Pom's place!

Max - all rats must die!Coffee