Hi all my name is Gary from brissy, just bought a 2000 model busa first one, also have xjr1300 2008 model. Bought the busa from maryborough 2 weeks ago had fuel issues riding back bike kept stoping, I think it might need a new fuel pump and filter will change on Friday, ill see how it goes. Cheers
Hiya Gary.
Let us know how you go with the fuel filters. There are quite a few of them in there...
hey Gary...
you might want to start with checking fuel lines.. if kinked they restrict fuel and will make the busa die right after high revs. These babies are thrity LOL

to the club Gary. We need pictures of you new ride here pronto for an approval as per clubs regulations

Hope you will sort the fueling problems quickly

(16-10-2013, 07:08am)Batfink Wrote: [ -> ]hey Gary...
you might want to start with checking fuel lines.. if kinked they restrict fuel and will make the busa die right after high revs.
....especially the fuel hose coming down from the fuel tank. It tends to kink when the tank comes down if it's not turned the right way.
Thanks guys ill take that on board, ill post pics soon as I can not sure how to from iPhone 5.
G'day Gary
...and welcome to the Aussie Busa Club forum!!!
Congrats on your purchase, mate. Don't worry too much about the fuel issue, you'll get it sorted soon enough....it's just a small hiccup on the way to experiencing motorcyclings most aWeSoMe display of sheer brute force ever!!!
keep it fun and hope to see you out on the road sometime in the near future...

to the club Gary ..
G'day Gary

Looking forward to tomorrow fitting fuel pump, filters then go for a blast c how she goes! I have 1 week of work to sort the girl!
G'day Gary , welcome to the club um group .
Gotta be careful having any bike related fun up here :)
Mate I would post pics still struggling to work it out, she is the blue and silver model full akro system gold forks chromed wheels. And the paint work is a little bit different not to much just enough.
Yep it can't be a club anymore, we might all get arrested!
(17-10-2013, 08:14pm)gcbusa Wrote: [ -> ]Yep it can't be a club anymore, we might all get arrested!
You mentioned gold forks! Yours have been updated to a later model. The 2000's had silver forks from what I recall.
Well changed fuel pump, was pretty dirty I think the tank has a bit rust in will have to fix that, I think it's tip over sensor will have to silicone the sensor, see how that goes!