Full Version: Had a fall but ok
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Just got home after 7 weeks away on ship. Looking forward to the regular Saturday morning coffee at the Pelican Cafe, Tooradin (on the highway to Phillip Is). Jump on Busa - click, buzz, click! Grrrrrrr!
Looks like it's going to piss down anyway so jump in the navara. Notice that the ignition is on? Some dickhead kid was paid to give it wash last week - left the key on! WTF! Flat as a bastard!
No problem, I'll jump on the FJR.
Take the dust cover off - no back wheel.
Then I remember that I had a dent taken out of the rim, new tyre etc. and Dark Cloud had picked it up. Get the wheel out of the back of navara, no big deal to put it on cos FJR is shaft drive, blah, blah.
So, hit the road at last, no rain, and enjoy the ride to Tooradin. New back tyre feels great! FJR is a big lounge chair to ride. Still a great bike for long trips.
Meet my mates and have a few coffees.
Got the day planned to get on the KTM in the arvo. Head home, great twisty road back to my place, then it turns into a dirt road for last kilometre - no bid deal on the feejer.
Come round the blind right hander and met by a 4WD on the wrong side of the road! Naturally go to left, into the loose shit, arse over head.
4WD doesn't stop.
Feejer skids up the road on its side shedding bits, I hit the ground on my right shoulder and helmet. Visor rips off and face full of mud and dirt. Winded myself and hurt my shoulder and ankle but otherwise seem ok? Turn off bike, looks pretty sad (but nice new back tyre!)
Pretty remote road, but luckily another dude stops and helps. Breathing again now, but can't move arm too well. Helps me pick up bike and all the bits and pieces, which I put in the pannier - might come in handy! He keeps asking if I'm ok, because I look like shit (when I look in mirror it looks pretty grim because helmet is full of mud and gravel - just two red eyes bugging out!)
Starts ok, and only 500m to home - amazing what adrenalin can do!
Leathers look ok just a few scratches down right hand side - always interesting because you can put together how you landed.
(Right hand and arm by my side, right hand shoulder took the hit, and face plowed the road)
Nolan 104 looks f****d with visor ripped off at one hinge and big gouges. (It was a US import with no Aus sticker, any way?).
But now it's starting to hurt. Panadol and Scotch (necked - always better for you!)
Home alone cos DarkCloud s away - just me and Zdog.
Put in a miserable night. Can't move or find a good way to lay - has me yelling which scares Zdog away for the night!
Feels like I might have cracked a couple of ribs, and ripped some chest muscles? Sprained ankle and wrist, and still spitting gravel!
Might have to go to doctor, I think.
Otherwise, not too bad. Bit shook up, and very pissed off tho!
Just shows you how easy your day can turn to shit!
Would like spend half an hour with the 4WD driver, with a tyre lever!

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Glad you're sort of ok. Don't understand the mind set of the 4WD driver. I'm sure one day he'll roll over or be stuck somewhere with no help. Let's hope.
No good mate. Glad it didn't turn out worse for you. Hope you heal up quick.
With a bit of luck Karma will sort that driver out in due course.Knuppel2
Sorry to hear about fukked up day dude... Hope body and bike are repaired easily.
Maybe the gods of roads was trying to tell you it's not a for riding.. You know with flat busa and box (Navara) and feejer missing a tyre lol...
I am positive a lot 4x4 operators remove the brain and get a big booster shot of Asshole each time they turn the key...
Cap'n, go a and see a doctor today! Might need to put in a claim at some time if you have a permanent impairment.

As for the 4WD, unbelievable what some people do. What a callous prick. Or bitch. I remember a mate got killed while training on his pushy. Prick driving the 4WD stopped to pull the bike out from under his vehicle, then drove off and left my mate to die. Never caught the bastard who did it. Hope the fucker gets arse cancer and suffers a prolonged painful death.
Crikey Rob, not good. At least go and see a quack and get some pain MED's.
That will allow you to keep riding..

Need to mount a Gopro on the helmet somewhere to record these moments, we'd all have his rego by now..
Glad it didn't turn out worse and agree with Camel , see a doctor (and bin the helmet).
(06-07-2014, 08:53am)captainrob Wrote: [ -> ]Just shows you how easy your day can turn to shit!
Would like spend half an hour with the 4WD driver, with a tyre lever!

Sent from my iPad

Hey Cap'n, glad you're alive and well, if not a bit bruk! Sounds like it could have been heaps worse. The arse-hat in the 4WD will pay through karma one day, pity we can't get to him/her now though!!!

Get some medical attention mate, sounds like you could need it and that will get you some decent pain killers!

Hope you get up okay.

What a piece of garbage! I hope that 4x4 driver gets a serious untreatable dose of facial syphilis...Oh and glad you are relativity OK...still cant believe a driver just pissed off...shouldn't be surprised really....

Yeh, agree with others. See a doctor asap. Injuries like that don't get better too quickly on their own, unless you're 19
Sorry to hear about that mate, hope your ok, if you need anything mate, I'm just round the corner:)
Thanks everybody for the kind words. You're a great bunch, out there!

Better today - nurofen and red wine, and watch the v8's.
Can't find an English speaking doctor round here today, but will have a go tomorrow.
Bike looks easily repairable; it was pretty hammered to start with!
Get another helmet too - just pisses me off paying $300 more for the exact same helmet, but with an Aus sticker. What a rip off!
(Must be better, getting angry!)

(My daughter Amber reckons that after crashing my Cessna 172 into the sea, jumping off my burning cabin cruiser, leaping out of heaps of cars (last one was when a huntsman spider fell down inside my shirt, in my own driveway, hit two trees and wrote off Dark Clouds Audi!) and bikes, dodging pirates and other arseholes, and a lot of other marine and other (alcohol) related incidents, I've now earned the title
"family stuntman").
I flew a Cessna 172 and a Piper Tomohawk as well! Small world.
I never owned or crashed one though.
Give me a 172 over the Traumahawk any time!! :-)
Glad your ok mate.
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