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I think i would be a bit nervous looking at just how much of that pin is not engaged in the swingarm pivot
Maj, as long as the structure of the pin and the strength of the bracket holding pin is good the holding friction will be HUGE.. just think of 250kg being held on such a small area, basic math is F=ma or 2450 Newtons downward and the tighter the fit the harder it is to move that downward force laterally. And I think the pin also has a slight backward lean so not only do you have to move that force laterally but also lift it too to get it off the pin while suspended.

I seriously looked into a lift that could put the bike in MANY position (stand it on it's front or back wheel at about 80deg to horizontal) and was very skeptical but the physicis works LOL. I also saw a vid using the stand ROD wants and the guy, after suspending bike, climbed up on the busa on one side and off it on the other. Plus having it so movable and a near clear floor underneath..... if I had a good workshop/garage I would def get one.
I still would be too scared to be moving it around like that, no matter how strong and stable it was.
it wasn't that long ago people were scared to ride bikes with front discs cause they thought a stone could seize it up LOL
I like the idea, and as long as the engineering is sound there shouldn't be an issue. Basic principles of cantilevering. But I certainly would not buy a cheapy knock off version of it.
Brilliant...ze Gemans certainly know how to get a Ducati moving fast.
Good price! Wouldnt mind a review if anyone gets one.
I sent the eBay adv an email to see whether he planned on making the adapters for a Busa, and this was his reply this morning;

'Nah, sorry Rob'.

Shame, cos it looked OK and the price was right.
Wouldnt have thought it would be too hard to make the adapters - maybe its the weight?
I think your right Rob, trhe busa is a few kilo's heavier than most sports bikes and his is probably rated up to 200kg
I am seeing if these guys will post to OZland


check out their skylift lol

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