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Well I am at it again.....Hump mod completed today.

Two months ago I went for a run with a group and some silly bugger broke his collar bone on the Oxley Highway. Appears he ran out of talent. Anyhoooo....... no bugger has a first aid kit and not much room on a Busa for that so I decided on a hump mod to stash a generous first aid kit. Now for the kit....

Easy install for the special mod from the US.
I thought you were going to be adventurous and see if you can fit a spare collar bone under the hump LOL
or spare testicles in case the other ones are too small.
Camel, my new busa came with a set of spare large testicles for swapping out anytime I want to test the bikes capabilities hahahahahahahaaa
Whre do you keep the spare larger set??? In the wife's hand bag??
Dunno bout you lot! but I keep my spares down at the pub Beer Beer Beer Beer
do you need a stool to reach them Corpse???
hell busarat she probably has more than my balls in there... have you seen the crap the women can pull outta a handbag???

Dr Who would be impressed
He does have a point !!even Dr Who would be amazed at the useless crap they can fit in there
I am sure the Timelords created their empire by discovering the physics behind a woman's handbag lol

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Spare collarbone did not fit. Reckon a few trek screws and an Allen key may fit......