Full Version: Plea for superbike clampdown - SMH today
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An interesting read.


I have to agree that this guy should'nt have been allowed to buy such a bike without more road riding experience. It would be a VERY sad day if the RTA decided to ban all superbikes. Edited by: Taubusa at: 20/2/06 3:27 pm


Hmmm... interesting. By the way, the link takes you to Page 2 of the story, you need to select page 1.

I kinda agree with the guy. They're not calling for a ban on superbikes, just some consistency in the licensing rules - so that a Red P-Plater can't just go out and buy a ZZR1200. Mind you, I thought even fully licensed car drivers had to use bikes of 250cc (or others within a particular power to weight ratio that are allowed) anyway ? Maybe this guy just didn't bother with the formalities.

A tragic story regardless. I feel for the parents and the family. The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob (Astro)


at least I don't have to worry about that bloke coming the other way around a corner and running it too wide.


If he didnt ride like an idiot, doing wheelies. He would have been alright!
Feel the force.


Why is it always someone else's fault? The bike didn't kill him. Sad but true. Shane
Jimboomba QLD


Sad story and I feel for his family.

Isn't it amazing how speed becomes an issue in this story.
You can do a wheelie on a postie bike and still be killed.
His father got it right. It was lack of experience that was his undoing.

I also agree with a graduation system for learners of ANY age to move up in power on bikes. Not just P platers.

Of course you can't deny that there is a strong case for
"Natural Selection" in the world we live in.
If you OVER protect people, the natural selection process will break down and who knows where the Human Race will end up.



I just read the article. I don't think they should blame the bike. This guy was an accident just looking for the place to have it!

Licence suspensions, police chases. Authorities will actually look at this ban seriously. I don't want to sound callous, but you can't do nothing about stupidity. He didn't learn from his previous outings. It was only a matter of time.

When will governments accept that some people should not be given access to any machinery, and stop f*&^ing the rest of us around. But if we ban the lot we will stop some "gump" from hurting or killing themselves.

Look what you all did...got me on my soapbox.


This regretful incident should be posing an argument for more education, and experience, not just a blanket ban on powerful "superbikes"?

What would make him think that he was capable of trying "wheelies" especially on a brand new bike with little experience.

I suppose, his maturity level could be a factor too.


Your spot on Busgo... natural selection. Some people are gonna kill themselves no mater what we do. Put him on a push bike and he probably wouldnt wear his helmet, do a wheelie, hit his head on the kerb, dead. One way or another


Spot on BUSGO also
he only lived a few kms from my place, but I did not know him,
just as bad as the Guy caught at MT Panaroma on Sunday 177kph in a 60 or 70 zone, by the way he was not with us.
But we all take chances now and again some just take a lot bigger ones.

Cheers Robert
Aren't all 'busas Copper, the others are just copy 'busas!!!!!


The story goes the young victim didnt wear a helmet.. Cheers,

rev 01

Indian Larry didn't either & he aint around no more