Full Version: Busa Verses Y2K turbine challenge
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hey guys i dont know how many of you have heard of this y2k crappy thing but on the suzukihayabusa.org site there is gonna be a challenge between a 500+HP turbo busa and a 350+HP Y2K Turbine bike all the details are being worked out and it should be great to see the results i will post a couple of urls for those that wanna know exactly what is goin on and a pic of ugly Y2K and a url for the right up on one have a look and tell me what ya reckon



Its a long read but a very interesting battle if the big mouthed Y2K runner will ever step up to the challenge

regards Bill

rev 01

Saw the same thing at LA Busa's, looks like The Motorhead is calling that turbine dude out Doesn't Jay Leno have one of those pigs ? My money's on Motorhead for this one

Turbo busa's were doing 250 MPH plus on only 350 HP at the Bonneville salt flats 2 years ago, they must be really flying nowadays Motorhead has at least 500 on tap


yeah, it certainly would be interesting if anything actually eventuates.

I read something on SH or LB about a bloke on a zx12 calling out the boss hoss guys for a race, and it did eventuate.

Remember that Dodge vs Busa thing on SH. lol
1000+ posts and nothing [last time I bothered looking].

rev 01

Yep, sometimes I think the Yanks are overcome by their own hype

I remember seeing the late Don Vesco race a bloke who had a 1,100HP Dodge Viper Vesco was in a 700 HP helicopter engined streamliner & got outpaced by the Viper up to about 180 MPH & then blistered past & hit some ridiculous speed, all at over 70 years of age too


Ah yes. To tell the truth though, I'm a bit jealous of what seems to be [at SH] such an abundance of turbo'd Busas, and installers. Some very, very nice kit over there.

I remain unimpressed by what I have seen of PTR's work [not in person though] [quality wise I mean, hell they were claiming 500HP a while back on a busa].
hrmmm... The harder it is for me to get a turbo the better. I certainly dont need one, but I'd be so tempted to buy one if it was more easily available.

Power certainly is intoxicating.

250 MPH is over 400k's, that is f*&^ing crazy. Motorhead/Yancy/Hank, f*** they must have big balls.