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I have noticed that people are talking about pillion comfort on long hauls, has anyone seen or heard of paniers for the busa??

I know Corbin make them for the busa and I think they look outstanding, and so they should for around $1400 Aust. Is there someone in Aust that makes them as well ???

I was thinking about getting a set for mine when it comes out of the shop :">

will this be to much for the subframe to handle keeping in mind that I will have the boss on the back as well



Trevor McLeod has a set, and thinks they're excellent. May be worth fitting one of those subframe braces, though...


I purchased the Corbins recently after waiting for best aprt of 18 months for someone to bring something to the marketplace. Regradless of brand (for other bikes) the prices all seem to be >$1100 by the time you take into acount the brackets, frames, etc

I specifically chose Corbin panniers as I wanted to leave them on permanently and would not interfere with sports riding, therefore I was willing to compromise on space to ensure handling was not effected.

I did the run to Jindabyne and on the Sunday with significant crosswinds had a spirited ride for 100Kms with a ZX12 and three others, and at no time was I aware on the panniers. Whereas I found that previously if riding solo the ventura sack at times did catch the wind and cause stability issues in gusting winds.

The panniers are not like BMW or GIVI suitcases, but follow the contours of the bike, as such the internal dimensions lend themselves to several small articles rather than one or two large. I found that a pair of shoes and a complete change of clothes (jeans, socks, underwear, shirt) two 600ml bottles of water and a toiletry bag basically filled on pannier. If travelling two-up this means that you have enough space for both parties for 2-3 days provided you are staying in provided accommodation.

From my partner's perspective her comment was that she had to change her siiting position on the bike. Typically she had the ball of her foot on the rear peg, now with the bags she is confined to having the instep/heel of her boot on the peg.

If you have a centre stand unfortunately the hand hold is also no longer available and you have to use the rear footpeg.

They were expensive, but having spent $18k+ on a bike it is good to have luggage that offers security, does not detract from performance handling and look better that my aging Ventura bag..

ps.. saw an article in a US mag where a person on a Hayabusa (- mirrors), with Corbin bags achieved 293Kmh through a radar gun at a public meet on salt flats.


Field tested to 250 without any awareness and in fact the bike is far more stable than with a Ventrua rack and bag on the back.

Fuel economy also improved by about 10-12% when touring (110 -120kph)