Full Version: got done - 0 kmh in the garage!
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Yep - I just finished a proposal around 12 midnight the other night, and before going to bed, I decided to do the final rounds;

Check dog has water
close and lock doors
check on kids - yep still here
check the Hayabusa forum one last time in case someone has left something that will give me a good giggle to go to bed with
and last but not least, check the shed - and you all know what resides in the shed Biker So after just standing and looking at my bike for a full 3 or 4 minutes Drool, I decide to throw a leg over, and just turn the ignition on and off a couple of times, just to see those gauges roll over, light come on, hear the injection thing (whatever that is) shoot some fluid into her - ahh, i'm in heaven.Very Happy
next thing i hear
"what are you doing". Scary Seems in my enthusiasm, I neglected to notice that inside the house, one of the kids were crying, woke my wife up, and after that had been sorted, she decided to come and see what I was up to (I had been telling her I was so busy with the business etc - which by the way isn't a lie).

SPRUNG - she got me, I may aswell of been jumping up and down on the thing with my strides around my ankles.Embarassed It felt kind of weird.

So, she not only thinks I am a whacko, but now so do the whole family

'You did what, blah blah blah.'

Anyway, I guess some people will never understand the love we share!Fatman



hah. that's funny:)
i understand exactly how you feel.
No court would convict you A. If they got too ask then they will never know.


thats hillarious
awesome!!! i do the same thing... they are just so pretty to look at...lol..
Bit like the energy company ads ,we're excited


Not bad at all haaha ;)
You are indeed a sick puppy bloke.

Welcome to the club Coolsmiley

Arr shit I tuck in my Baby also, I gotta get some help Undecided


I hit a kangaroo years ago and was bed ridden for months afterwards. Being a big girl, I had always thought that if I had an accident I would give up bikes. After the accident, as soon as I could crawl, I dragged my sorry arse out to the garage. One of my mates had put my bike up onto the centre stand for me (and picked the bits of roo out of it), so I slowly dragged myself up and onto the bike and sat there grinning. I knew at that moment it is in my blood.

The family didn't get it, they had all assumed I would give it up (being a phase and all).

I get it Achilles! It is better than drugs (well, most of them anyway).

Pink Angel

Tell her she was sleep walking and imagined it, deny it all Lol3

The Wild Wind

Do you have to marry it now? "Honey, I'm leaving you for the bike..."
haha I have been 'done' before once sitting in my newly acquired WRX back in '98 listening to the Kenwood system...once I admitted as much to someone at work...next thing people asking me do I sleep in the car in the garage!!
On more than one occasion soon after getting my K5...would go down to garage to eyeball and throw a leg over but refrained from punching the starter.
As long as you didn't start making reving noises and popping fake wheelies I can't see a problem. Biker
That's funny Lol3

At least you don't take your bike to bed, like this bloke does...

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