Yep there was life after 72rpm records and 33 1/3s and 45s then there was life after Vinyl and now after CDs there will be life in MP3s.
(Quality of life is another matter)
Astrobusa Wrote:
Dj.... I see a pattern emerging here....
Astro...Well yep its a big question for me that is always on my mind.
Don't know why but I think if you find out what life is all about then you will be content and happy when you die.
Now the trick is to find that ONE THING as they say in City Slickers. (Top movie btw)
So yes if Im a little obsessed sorry.
But I am interested to find out as many views on life as possible as it gives you more insight.
well one way or another we are all going to find out, some might be surprised and some not so.
I've found that ONE THING DJ
I'm happy as...!
"Just remember that your standing on a planet that's revolving - revolving at nine hundred miles an hour......"
The answer to all your questions DJ is down at the video store of course in the form of THE MEANING OF LIFE
"Don't go diving straight for the clitoris boy - start her off with a kiss"
Cheers Ruffy
good for you Pan.
Would you like to share the secret?
As a psychologist you might be able to add something here...
Ruffy...The Meaning Of Life. I should dig that out...Didn't like it when I first saw it but now I think it would have a lot more depth as well as the funny side.
We are here for a short time in the scheme of the Universe.
I suggest you make the most of it while you can.
None of my ancestors or dead friends have ever paid a visit.
I'm livin life right now, not in the future.
BUSGO Wrote:Yep there was life after 72rpm records and 33 1/3s and 45s then there was life after Vinyl and now after CDs there will be life in MP3s.
(Quality of life is another matter)
You're getting old Ray, shouldn't that have been 78rpm records?
"They" say memory loss is the first indicator of old timers disease!
Buggar! No wonder they all sounded a bit slow......
BUSGO Wrote:Buggar! No wonder they all sounded a bit slow......
I beleive when your dead your dead /no more/light's out. if i'm wrong i'm in
for a nice surprise (ive been good ) but if the beleiver's are wrong they are
in for a nasty shock.
Haha "if the believers are wrong" - then what shock?
Volvi Wrote:Haha "if the believers are wrong" - then what shock?
No reward, nothing. Like turning off the tv, but no standby.