Winter in Tassie - Printable Version

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Winter in Tassie - Batfink - 14-05-2014

Well it's that time of year when I normally think about shedding the bike and doing any complex work on it... But why??

Well here in, not so sunny, Launceston this is how I see winter.
The sun isn't really up until after 9am and even when it comes up and your lucky its not cloudy it's not a warm sun. If you are lucky it was raining over night so even though temps were still below zero the extra water means no ice or frost. But if the rain stops during night then you have a great chance of finding black ice on any patch of road that's not heavily travelled up to morning tea time.
If its a clear night then the morning cold is biting. Cutting through leather, vinyl, wool, polyester or thermals. And that is before you even get on bike and experience it worse with wind chill. The frost gets so bad that you can mow the lawn by walking on it and the mush turns into ice instantly. No it doesn't snow here, well not usually below 300 metres but everyone asks why as our temperatures can stay below zero for extended periods and for days not get a high above 5 deg C. I say it's being a small island which allows warmer than freezing wet air from the surrounding oceans to blow over Tassie stopping the chance of low level snow. But then what do I know??
I have mentioned when the sun can rise but there is also the fact that it goes down before 5pm which plummets temperatures before you even knock off work.. UGGG with such short days it means nothin an really be accomplished during the week and you have your fingers crossed for weekend to be good. HELL, it's winter so that's not gunna happen often LOL.
Well I have bitched about the temperature and lack of daylight plus the weather... Still not convinced its not a great place to be in winter? Add to that combo that in winter social events are suspended on the whole. The people tend to stay inside and only attend needed things rather than random gathering like in summer. The mood gets dreary and withdrawn and, it might be my imagination for last 40 years but everyone gets grumpy.
The smallness of everything and lack of economy reduces fun things to do generally but feels worse in winter.

I love Tassie as a destination and e roads are the best, IMO, for riding in warm weather. I am not trying to bash Tassie either, just an overview from my personal perspective of winter in Tassie.

RE: Winter in Tassie - Zoro - 14-05-2014

I don't have my A/C on tonight if that helps??
Its cabin fever , I've seen it on telly...

Think I'd be curled up around something/ someone warm in those conditions.
Was in Fremantle last week, driving the renta to the new workshop we have there. The display had 15*C ambient temp. Was blowing a gale and raining too, haven't been that cold in ages.
Froze during the day, weird thing was I didn't sweat the entire time i was there.
Surely that can't be a good thing?
Luckily, I managed to find my jumper before I left and took it with me, just had brush all the cobwebs off it as it was shoved up the back of the wardrobe on the floor...lifesaver.
Hardly saw the sun, overcast, raining or both.

Not sure how you fellas can deal with that for too long, 5 days was long enough. Didn't take my jumper off till I got off the plane up here. I feel your pain Batty however I knew I only had a couple of days to put up with it.

RE: Winter in Tassie - Batfink - 14-05-2014

my brother moved to fremantle years ago.. I remember when he came home for first time after 5 years.. was a low budget return due to dad dying and he had little cash. Within an hour of being in launceston he went straight to local St Vinnies store and bought a 2nd hand woolen jumper as his cheap assed chinese fleece thing that was great for freo didn;t stand a chance here

RE: Winter in Tassie - ROD - 14-05-2014

Must be a north thing I was in shorts and tee shirt all day today

RE: Winter in Tassie - Batfink - 14-05-2014

yeah but u have the protection of all that political hot air down south LOL

RE: Winter in Tassie - Dale - 15-05-2014

We can tell its cold down there Tony,
You're spending too much time on the forum, when you should be out riding .. Pi_tongueLol2

RE: Winter in Tassie - GOOFTROOP - 15-05-2014

It could be worse Tony,,you could be living and working on the westcoast.coming up to the time of year when I take 4wd to work (wrx no good on ice)just to give me a good chance of getting home on days off..get snowed in at least couple times Pi_tongue

RE: Winter in Tassie - 06BUSA - 15-05-2014

I know what you mean, the overnight temp here in Mackay went down to a chilly 19 degrees!!! Very Happy