Tassie Tour - Printable Version

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Tassie Tour - Greg64 - 06-07-2002

I am planning another trip over to Tassie next march or april with a few mates if anyone would like to come along please do. If you have not been to Tassie b4 it has some of the best bike roads in Australia the more the better.We will be getting started in about a month so you have time to think about it.We will be going over 4 about 11 nites if your thinking about it you can call me on 0417 112785 or greg07@bigpound.com it will be a great time hope some of you can come along. Greg64

Re: Tassie Tour - demeester - 06-07-2002

We could make it for part/all of a trip, if it was mid-late April (after 12th).

Re: Tassie Tour - fasterfaster1 - 08-07-2002

I wouldn't leave it that long as Tassie will have probably sunk by then

Re: Tassie Tour - Beestroyer - 09-07-2002

Pitty theres no tassie members. I suppose they dont know about us since they dont have internet that far south... or phones.... or electricity.

Re: Tassie Tour - demeester - 09-07-2002

Actually, the Tassie contingent is relatively strong - just not vocal... Are you trying to change that?

Re: Tassie Tour - Evero - 09-07-2002

Sorry, would have replied earlier but my carrier pigeon was to tied after his flight back to pedal the bike to power the generator so I could look at this internet thingy….

oh no, now ive done it. - Beestroyer - 10-07-2002

haha, well its good to hear from ya

tassie tour - Busa - 10-07-2002

Beestroyer perhaps you should join Greg64`s trip to tassie and then we can show what real riding is all about
because we have the best roads for riding in Australia
and by the way what sort of bike do you ride.

Re: tassie tour - AeroCat4 - 19-07-2002

Hi all, might be able to add a few bikes to your Tassy Trip as quite a few people and myself do it every year. A previous brief posting of my trip is on page 4 of general discussion I think.
If you need any recommendations where to stay, sites to see, and places for lunch/dinner, I will be most willing to supply the info.! We have video camcord footage of the last trip and photos from the others - very cool. You must do the run up the hill just out of Queenstown.... you'll see what I mean!!
My group goes every year in mid March. Weather been great every time. Usually got ZX-12R, ZX-9R, TL-1000S, YZF-1000 and various others.... everyone always updating to new bikes..... trying to get them to get the Busa!! They got jealous of the Busa last time cause it kicked their arse on a high speed run for 30km. Came about 2min. in front of them. AWESOME RIDING !!!!
Anyway, being one of my annual trips with the guys and their women, we may see you there - or join in - or something?

Cheers, Peter

tassie tour - Beestroyer - 29-07-2002

Busa, I ride an 02 Busa. Maybe i will visit. How much to get there?

Re: tassie tour - gmcwhae - 29-07-2002

Got to agree with all, regards the Tassie roads.We have been here 9 months now,and the roads,traffic etc.. are exeptional.Even the cops are reasonable and seem to generally have common sense,(was pretty shocked at first seemed to be cameras everywhere,but must have caught a blitz of some kind).

The only two areas that have to be compensated for are 1. The wildlife on the road(dead and alive)and 2.the weather(can be wet,windy&cold)!!!.........we know!!

We are leaving Tassie next week and decided that it would be pretty weak if we could'nt say that we had been right around the Island on the bike........so we did it today and yep,my arse is sore,so's the wifes!

Left Launie at 0600. we had thick fog for the first 140k's,freezing cold and road wet,a volvo just in front of us hit a wallaby,sometimes volvos are good.Missed an Eagle?Hawk?feeding on road kill by about an inch,then had to pick a gap between three Geese crossing the road on the way into St Helens.The West coast was raining 50% of the time and the road was wet 100% through to Burnie.

So after 1009.7 K's in 11hrs 18 mins,rain,cold,fog etc..we are stoked,it was heaps of fun,the bike as usual performed perfectly,we're tired and sore,but at least we can now take the bike back to the mainland content!!!!!!!!

Guy,Girls,this a wonderful place to ride on a Bus(or any bike for that matter),pick the right time of year regarding the weather and it is hard to beat!!!

Regards Graeme & Dinorah..

trip to tassie - Busa - 02-08-2002

Beestroyer suggest you contact the TT line for a cost as they are just about to start two new boats on the run across to Tassie and have some good deals going at certain times of the where they do not charge to bring your bike across.

It's Free !! - fasterfaster1 - 02-08-2002

Motor Cycles are free to Tassie !!......but pushbikes cost.
(Cost is paid for by Tassie Gov )

Quick Tassie advice for me? - Ado72 - 06-08-2002

I may not be able to make the timing you have here, but it seems that there are a few Tassie veterans floating around this thread. So, a quick question... ?

What are the best months to make a decent Tassie trip? I was originally targetting late November, but unsure of the weather conditions. I'd like to avoid snow/hail/sleet/falling cows if possible

BTW, the '02 Busa ROCKS! Still can't get the smile off my face after 4 months, 8000 KM and two tyres..... *chuckle*


Re: Quick Tassie advice for me? - AeroCat4 - 07-08-2002

In mid March kicks arse - usually sunny (maybe thats why those icebergs are melting down the far continent?!! he-he). Can be a bit wet on the roads in between Queenstown and Derwent Bridge tho due to no sun ever poking its head in those friggin tall trees!!!! Peter