I think I have finally found my problem?
Changed fuel filters and also fuel pumps, cleaned everything. Put in a new set of plugs, etc, etc.
Fired up - still missing and won't idle.
Take out the new plugs and they're cartooned up - too rich, too much fuel?
Disconnect Power Commander - runs fine !!

Now I'm thinking that the heavy rain may have got into the Power Commander LCD module and which in turn corrupted the program and mapping settings ?

Can this happen?

The Power Commander LCD is an add-on and I disconnected from the very start as I thought it may have been water damaged, but I guess that it had already changed some settings and saved them?

I will take it for a run once I get it all back together and see what happens.

It would explain the over rich mixture and rough running I guess?

I will plug the PC 3 USB into the laptop when I get a chance and see what it says. I am not too sure about the mapping but I guess it can be reset to a default (basic) setting pretty easily?

MEANWHILE - just happy to hear the big bird idling happily after 10 days of f*&^ing misery!
great to hear Rob. Keep us updated. Always good to learn from the outcomes
Cheers, Pete� Coolafro
Do not click here
MMmmmm and here I thought you finally worked out your more inner problems LOL
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
Hey Rob. Didnt realise you were having that many issues.

Its funny how many people have had problems with a pc3... mmmmm.
Let us know what it says when you plug it in.
[Image: nocensorship.gif]
Pull it apart hit it with "Storm Cloud's" hair dryer?
Lol as I said :-)
[Image: nocensorship.gif]
Busa has never gone so good!
Went like a missile yesterday!
Amazing what clean filters, new plugs and tightened connectors do!

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