hi guys,any suggestions on a good brand tent thats a bit roomy but can be carried ok on busa.a tent that will keep the cold wind out,does not matter on price and good sleeping bag.thanks
probely look at any light weight dome tents
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
i brought a two man cycle tent from Rays outdoor (made for push bikers)
cost me less than $100 a year ago

The main support rod fold up easily into the ventura bag with small sticks that have an elastic

Good luck :ausflag:
pics of tent :-

[Image: IMG_0088.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0086.jpg]
Dave all ya do is get a big blanket.
Then you get a porn mag and lie under said blanket.
Within seconds...ok within 20 to 30 mins you have your pole...
Instand tent and all it cost ya is $3.50 for the mag.

A bargain...not sure how this would work with the family but hey...give it a go.
I'll wait here for feedback...Nerd

And if ya don't like that idea...here, have my old tent...I never use it much...
[Image: 990420n01oldtent.jpeg]
Dj... you'll take a picture of just about anything ... won't you ! I bet you didn't even need to drag the tent out to take that... you probably took it moons ago... just .... well, just because !
$3.50 DJ? Are you shopping second hand again?

On the tent, find a german with short pants and a handy sunburn. They tend to be experts. Punch him in the head and claim it in the name of the Allies.

Now, thats shopping.

Small print: Punching tourists is not encouraged and any whopping you recieve from that german guy is your own prob.
Quote: $3.50 DJ? Are you shopping second hand again?
Just trying to show I never buy them Glen!
And watch it I'm half german...lol
saw some good ones at a camping store for about 20 bucks
Ahh, clever deception plan. I'm not falling for it, I remember a fairly traumatic experience with a bare arsed DJ and a horrified mohawk wearing young man.
RaZz0R Wrote:saw some good ones at a camping store for about 20 bucks
tents or mags???
GlenTC Wrote:Ahh, clever deception plan. I'm not falling for it, I remember a fairly traumatic experience with a bare arsed DJ and a horrified mohawk wearing young man.
well sorry for getting outta bed....I had to too get up ya know...Pi_tongue
tents - single man ones - roll up smaller then my sleeping bag. Kamandu stores I think from memory - may have been 30 bucks but thats it
I think we have successfully hi-jacked this one DJ. Better let it get back on track.

A hootchie will fit under your seat, no problems. With the saving you should be able to afford a better liteweight bag.

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