Mine has the same issue but mine does it when i give it a crack off the lights it almost stalls. I fill up at the same Caltex everyday using 98. I am a little heavy though a touch over 170kg. What could it be other than fuel?



Maybe plugs, leads, timing, my bike has low k's so I did not think these were the issue, maybe change fuel stations. I was kind of telling the Mrs that maybe with my pinging that was occuring that a 1441 kit for only 7k might help stop it but she didnt fall for it. Damn.
Like Greeny said i would be talking to who flashed it , if it was custom tuned on a dyno it shouldn't ping regardless of ur weight or conditions .

I fill up at the same Caltex everyday using 98
John this could be the prob ? Try another servo and see how it goes .............. you can tune around a lot of things but shit fuel isn't one of them I'm afraid. The not doing it everytime is strange, try and build a scenario regards when it's most prone to doing it.
Give us a call big fella
Quick check might be possible using a bottle of octane booster. If it is shit fuel you might just raise the octane rating sufficiently to stifle the pinging.

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