I second Andys comments
I'll don't mind paying whatever you Guys sort out
hitting just the Jindy riders may bit a bit hard but whatever
Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow copies !!!!!<i></i>
Ahh yeh , the registration is a good thing Richard and who's this Ray taking the piss out of the good Doctor?? I think Ruffy could be Ray?. I wonder how a proctologist would go with that specimen on the bike Cheers,
I guess we are going to pay, just like any club, there are costs. I don't see too many folks saying no. How do the powers suggest we pay such a thing? Maybe with the bucks, we could have our own image library instead of having to use an outside upload or improve the real time chatty thing. Might save server space after the five PM cutout activates and we resort to posting. <i></i>
This is my third post, I stacked my zx12 a few years back and have now come to the dark side. Like everything I own, it lasted 5 weeks before someone ran into it.... hang on, what am I on about.. oh yeah. I will pay my $15 and add a few posts and come to Jindy if im allowed. <i>Edited by: AzaVic at: 25/8/06 8:58 pm
All welcome!!!

Shoot me a message with your email, and I will add you to the sending list.

I should emphasise that buddies are extremely welcome. So far, I haven't received a registration form from a non-busa, though....

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