Melbourne Cup day at the track?
Myself and at least one club member that I know of have booked in for a ride day at Phillip Island on Melbourne Cup Day Tuesday 4th November. Would be great to see a few other Busas out on the track if anyone else is interested, I'm sure it will be a great day.

They are only offering a ride day (not cornering school) that day. If you really want to test your riding skills and push your bike to its limits, then the track is definately the way to go.

Superbike School can be contacted for bookings for that day on 9792 1322. But don't leave it too late, they usually book out well ahead at that time of year.

Hope to see a few of you there.
I'll be down there around that time of year Scott...just probably not with sbk school...I'll go with champions again
When is Champion's next one Luc, I might do it with you.
The next champions days are the 2nd & 3rd of September but I'll probably still be enjoying the northern weather at that stage...December 10/11 look more likely
They always have them on a Wednesday/Thursday?

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