Time taken to do 200m
I compared the Busa speedo with a Magellan Meridium Platinum GPS.

There will be some error due to the time I look at the speedo to the time I read the gps. Even though it was taped to the handlebars, the Busa fluctuates speed so easily, I had to do many attempts and take the median average result. The GPS has a resolution of 3 figures, so you lose the decimal once you hit 100km/h. My 2001 Busa is stock with OEM Bridgestones that are due for replacement (both). This will more than likely have a bearing on the results.

Speedo Indicated.........GPS Indicated





From this, calculated at an average of 4.5% error:

300 km/h indicated is only 285km/h, or 315 indicated equals 300km/h.

Goddammit. I'm ready for the popcorn fight to follow

If anyone in Melbourne wants to test theirs, drop me an e-mail. It'll cost you a coffee though.

Peter Altas
Come to the next Vic ride day and we can run some tests.

The only problem I have is an easier way of mounting it. I had to use a shit load of electrical tape and was a real pain, not to mention very nervous. May need to make some kind of mount for it.
Peter Altas
Thanks Pete.

Think you might have gotten a one off by all accounts. On some of our group rides mine seemed to consistantly record the lowest k's travelled between fuel stops.


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