The useless bits of info to see if we can make a million posts thread
Singer Rod Stewart once worked as a grave digger.
Singer Ozzy Osbourne, in a job that would come back to haunt him in later life, was once a labourer in a slaughterhouse. Pi_freak
Sylvester Stalone, always the tough guy, was once employed as a lion cage cleaner while Cyndi Lauper used to clean out dog kennels.
Mick Jagger was once a porter in a mental hospital.
Elvis was sacked from his job at the Precision Tool Company in Memphis when his bosses discovered that he was actually fifteen years old and therefore too young to work there.
Pop star and DJ Boy George was sacked from his job with Tesco supermarkets for choosing to wear the store's carrier bags. Tesco said his appearance was 'disturbing'. Scary
Hollywood tough guy Mickey Rouke was fired from his job as a cinema usher after getting into a brawl with one of his work mates.
On average a baby's heart will beat about 60 million times before it is born.
It has been estimated that 17% of human beings are left handed which is roughly the same figure as for gorillas and chimpanzees.
If you are right handed you tend to chew on the right hand side of your mouth and if you are left handed you tend to chew on the left hand side of your mouth.
Two out of five American women dye their hair.
The average adult falls asleep seven minutes after turning the light off.
The average human being will accidentally eat about a pound in weight of insects over the course of a lifetime. Wtf
Right handed people, on average, live nine years longer than left handed people
In England the chance of a woman having twins has doubled since World War II. At this rate every pregnancy will result in twins by the year 2060!

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