Torque Wrench Calibration - Updated Math

i have a small 1/4" size inchpound one and a larger 1/2" size one. great investment. always spoton, never devalue and very difficult to get out of calibration, and damn near impossible to wear it out!

I bought my inch pound 1/4" driver after I stripped a couple of threads on the cam-caps on a Kwacka from years ago. Now I have three - they all get used. Haven't had a stripped thread (FFS touch wood!) in a very long time.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Torque Wrench Calibration - by Madmax - 30-03-2009, 09:49pm
RE: Torque Wrench Calibration - Updated Math - by jessie928 - 31-03-2009, 09:07am
RE: Torque Wrench Calibration - Updated Math - by Madmax - 31-03-2009, 11:19am

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