Humbussa Down Ouch
Not another one down...
And broken... bugger!!! have some understanding of your discomfort.i'm not that bad but you have no idea how much it annoys me to not be able to tie my shoelaces...
Hope you heal quick.
Sorry to hear the news.I hope you rest and heal up well.Sometimes we need to take a forced break and reassess things.Thats quite a few busas that have gone done lately.Maybe thats gods way of saying youre having too much fun.Take care.

Get better quick mate!!!!!!!!
Woman,where's my wallet?
And whats for tea?
sorry to hear of your accident, ya bike looks a total mess in them pics and hope ya get a nice new busa to replace the old one Biker
Bugger Bugger sorry to hear but glad you are sort of OKBiker
Holy Crap. ! Aother one bites the dust.
Man I feel for you. Sounds like you got insurance - So thats a good thing. Enjoy the chance to kick back and have a rest. They dont come around that often.

all the best for your recovery.

Craig - it gives me no pleasure to say i know how you feel at the moment, but you've walked away from the off and that's always the preferable option - but hey i got a ride in a helicopterPi_tongue. Get your dr to put you on oxycontin and smile your way through the next few months Very Happy

Cheers John
Craig just heard the bad news. Hope you heal quick and back on a ltd. busa soon.
That sux dude, wish you a speedy recovery and hoping you look forward to a new ride soon.
Hope you're back on a Busa and enjoying it again soon...
Bloody hell, what is it, open busa season ?

Hope you mend well soon and you bike survives also.
Sorry to hear the news mate. best of luck healing. Was looking foreward to hooking up with you today at Newcastle. Met up with a few of the members. We'll meet soon enough. Get well but most importantly "Get back on"
Chin up, catch ya soon.
" Live the Vision "
Quote "When was the last time You did something for the First Time"
Glad your ok Craig

[Image: b76e01eb-552d-45d5-97df-028004b674c3_zps59f1c171.jpg]

Busa's yeah i guess i like them I've owned a few Pi_tongue
Get well Soon Mate!!!
That sucks ,but glad u ok.

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