First date with my spanking new K8
Madmax Wrote:
TimF Wrote:haha not wrong! i think some rain is forecast for this weekend, so perhaps i'll install my autocom on the wet days....

i must say the speed for change of direction is fantastic - a massive improvement over my '99 copper.

Congrats mate, looks bloody bewdiful. Half your luck bloke. Yumo.

I'm waiting for the '09, supposed to be 10 horses stronger, 340kph speedo, lighter, and comes in copper!

had ya there for about a second!!!Lol2 I can tell! Well done mate.


No word of a lie,you had me there max lol

Congrats on the bike!
Man i knew the feeling of getting my k7Frown
0h well,i got an excuse to get a k8 now lol

look after it mate an take it easy.Pi_thumbsup
Congrats !

You'd better change your title to something new, coz you're no longer "waitin' on an 08".

Enjoy Pi_thumbsup
Sorry about the crappy night photo in my shed, but here is a pic of my new plate.
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Nice one Tim...and Larra!

Don't even ask about mine, lets just say I won't be on one for a while. I would like to expand, but at this stage I have just come from the dealer, and feel very irrate. Don't know who's to blame, don't really give a flying fvck, I just know mine didn't arrive...
"Should have one Tuesday or Wednesday next week" I was about to change to a B-King or Gixxer 1000...or just get my deposit back and walk.

On a positive though, well done to those who have them. Ride safe, see you on the road soon Very Happy
Patience is a virtue my freind simo.
Im sure there worth the wait...
NEMESIS Wrote:Patience is a virtue my freind simo.
Im sure there worth the wait...
Yeah Nem, I'm sure your right man.
I had just driven 2+ hours out of Sydney traffic, then get a 40 minutes run around and bullshit at the dealers. One blaming someone else blaming something else...
Think I might just kick back and have a few drinks this weekend Very Happy
Simo, definetely somewhere along the line Suzuki has dropped the ball with customer-service in your area mate. Definitely not good enough.

The busa k8 is certainly worth the wait though.

EDIT : Simo, I should add that I paid for mine a couple of months ago... don't know if that has any bearing on the delivery date?
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Ok guys, well a couple hundred kays into the K8, I have only one complaint : from neutral, it isn't the biggest fan of 1st gear. Not clunky or anything, it just wont select 1st gear until i roll it forward slightly. not a big deal, i now do it out of habit at every set of lights. BUT - i dont remember my '99 busa doing it.
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Hey Tim, yeah I've had money on her for 51 days now (but who's counting). I have cooled off a bit since this afternoon, so I conceed I have not much else to do now but wait...
I was in there this arvo Simo and Leo told me that it would arrive tomorrow?????
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
BUSGO Wrote:I was in there this arvo Simo and Leo told me that it would arrive tomorrow?????
What time was that Ray?

I left there at a bit after 3pm, when Graeme was still between calls with Suzuki Aus.
It was before then mate. I spoke on the phone and asked Leo where it was and they started discussing it. He then said they expected it tomorrow. It makes you wonder what is going on when the other shops have them.
I was out in service for about an hour around 4pm and there was no sign of any new boxes.

Be patient. Just make sure that when it arrives it is in perfect nick and well PRE Delivered.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Any things in particular to look for as far as pre-delivery goes?

I checked everything visually on mine, especially paintwork, dash, tyres etc - not really in the know as far as other things go...

Also I checked to make sure it handled right etc... lol.

Actually while I'm asking newbie running-in questions again, can I take a pillion with me during the running-in phase? (never had a new anything before this busa)
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TimF Wrote:Actually while I'm asking newbie running-in questions again, can I take a pillion with me during the running-in phase? (never had a new anything before this busa)

if ya do make sure she is a stunning Blonde and slip half a golf ball into the rear seat in the right place you will thank me later Lol3
TimF Wrote:Any things in particular to look for as far as pre-delivery goes?

I checked everything visually on mine, especially paintwork, dash, tyres etc - not really in the know as far as other things go...

Also I checked to make sure it handled right etc... lol.

Actually while I'm asking newbie running-in questions again, can I take a pillion with me during the running-in phase? (never had a new anything before this busa)

I'd be checking that the brake calipers, steering head nut, all bodywork screws, axle nuts and other likely objects are tight and also that the throttle cables are properly adjusted.
Of course you set the clutch, brake and gear levers to suit your own taste or size.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO

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