moving other peoples bikes
(11-05-2010, 11:02pm)Kala Wrote: i heard a ball bearing at speed can pop right thru body work as well as a spark plug
Yeah, but it's kinda hard to explain to a magistrate just why you had a pocketful of ball bearings. Sparkplugs are much easier to account for...
"casting dispersions on others credability." And their illiteracy.
**makes mental note on need to explain ball bearings**

hayabusa : nipponese for "most superb sports tourer"
It never ceases to amaze me what seamingly "normal" people will do.
If I see someone with kids going near my bike I normally get in first and warn the parents that it is hot, and will burn them. That usually works.

But working one day, out in the country with no-one else around, had the bike parked up the road and one of the crew, who new nothing about bikes went and sat on it.
He was in his 30's, so I didn't really mind because I knew him and figured what harm would he do. But then I saw the headlight come on, as he turned the key and tried to start it!! I ran over and abused the shit out of him. It turned out he had never ridden a bike before, but had a car license so thought he would have a go -( Hayabusa's are of course the preferred first time rider's bike of choice Pi_freak)

If it wasn't for the fact that I had it in gear with the side stand down - so it wouldn't start, and he hadn't pulled the clutch in, I'm sure he would have propelled himself straight down the road in a bit red smudge.

The world is full of idiots.
[Image: dbusasml.jpg]
I don't want a pickle . . .
I had mine parked out from of the post office here today and walked out to see some bloke just about sit his kid on mineScary
..nearly had a fit ,told him that it wasn't a good idea to touch the bike ,he said its just a bike whats the problem Wtf i asked him how he would feel if i through my leg over his wife Boobies4 didn't like that at all told him to think about whose property he touches as not every one is as understanding as me Knuppel2
NO RESPECT for other peoples property thats all its ever been about , its the wave of the future
This reminds me of years ago when I was at the Kingo in ACT, we had lunch and when I was walking out I saw a Sheila laying on the bonnet of my corvette getting here photo taken by her boyfriend, I reckon he is still plucking lens glass out of his face today
"If you're going through hell, keep going"
I thought it was just me getting idiots on my bike. Have parked my bike in a motorcycle designated zone near a cafe and while doing the latte sipping with mates had people leaning on my bike wearing rings, watches either waiting for the other rider next to my bike to get on or just chatting to another rider leaving, No respect.

THE WORST I have so far seen to my bike is when a late model Ducatti rider on a streetfighter was talking to his mate also in the same spot, and my bike was parked next to his. As they both talked away, they had their attention diverted to my bike, all nice and stock looking apart from slipon exhausts. The rider of the Ducatti then KICKED MY BIKE in full view of the public and laughed to his mate. I was in shock. He then got on his Duke which refused to start, he then tried to push start it with no success for about 50 metres down the road. Karma I guess. No more Mr. Nice guy.
Some of those stories, albeit sad, the results to the perpertrators are funny!Lol2
I remember a couple of years ago a few mates and I had our bikes parked at Bondi, as we walked towards our bikes 3 or 4 Leb's were leaning on and sitting on our bikes whilst they were laughing amongst themselves. They didn't see any wrong in what they were doing until my mate verbally went off, then Bundy went berserko, barking her head off, our Leb' "friends" very hastily moved on whilst muttering something under their breath.
Then New Years eve at the Lord Mayors Picnic at Botanic Gardens with Kings X Bikers, we had some kids sitting on some bikes, then some feral kids came running down to my bike, swinging off the L.H. mirror, punching Bundy's stunt double (a stuffed toy Bundy) & climbing up the r.h.s. using the 4into1 side pipe as a step! (Bike was only on a side stand) all this as their parents looked on and laughed! I faarrkkin' snapped, kids and parents were running for cover everywhere! lol. Little bastards. Definetly No Respect.

Tex & Bundy
Everybody dies, not Everybody lives !!
There is no substitute for grunt !!
Every boy needs more than one toy !!

(10-01-2011, 03:07pm)motoplast Wrote: Some of those stories, albeit sad, the results to the perpertrators are funny!Lol2
I remember a couple of years ago a few mates and I had our bikes parked at Bondi, as we walked towards our bikes 3 or 4 Leb's were leaning on and sitting on our bikes whilst they were laughing amongst themselves. They didn't see any wrong in what they were doing until my mate verbally went off, then Bundy went berserko, barking her head off, our Leb' "friends" very hastily moved on whilst muttering something under their breath.
Then New Years eve at the Lord Mayors Picnic at Botanic Gardens with Kings X Bikers, we had some kids sitting on some bikes, then some feral kids came running down to my bike, swinging off the L.H. mirror, punching Bundy's stunt double (a stuffed toy Bundy) & climbing up the r.h.s. using the 4into1 side pipe as a step! (Bike was only on a side stand) all this as their parents looked on and laughed! I faarrkkin' snapped, kids and parents were running for cover everywhere! lol. Little bastards. Definetly No Respect.

Tex & Bundy
Allah was betrayed by a dog in the Koran. A dog will work wundersParty-smiley-018
(10-01-2011, 04:16pm)GRUNTMAX Wrote: Allah was betrayed by a dog in the Koran.
Proving that a dog is smarter than a Muslim. - No surprises there.
"casting dispersions on others credability." And their illiteracy.
Jesus wept.....what the hell is wrong with people these days???
Allah, Jesus .....

This thread is getting rather religious. I'll keep with the theme ...

God help any c...t that touches my busa .... Knuppel2
Honestly, if you touch someone's bike without permission, you deserve whatever you get.
"casting dispersions on others credability." And their illiteracy.
I feel for all of you who have had some idiot do touch/sit on your bikes. Yes it happened to me also. I was sitting right in front of mine watching as a lady walked up to it, admired it and then sat her kid on it. I went off, as politely as i could, other kids don't need to hear bad language. I asked the woman where her car was. I said "where is your car?, let me go sit in it and play with all the buttons because that's what you have just done without my permission, how would you like to get back to your car with some strange person just sitting in it?" She was truly shocked and had no idea what to say. She didn't apologies, she just kept staring at me after extremely quickly taking her kid back off my bike and then slowly walked away. I only had the bike for a week and it was my very first ride on it too.

What the hell do people learn about respect these days? Is there really none at all left in this world?

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