The AHC Gym - FREE Entry

"I weeeeeeeeeeeerkoooooooout" as the song says.
Welcome to the AHC Gym Thread.

Do you workout, using weights, machine, what's your routine, diet etc.
Trying to lose weight maybe, how are you progressing? Looking for tips, motivation etc?
Have a health story turnaround?
Hopefully you can eventually find it all here..
Please contribute...
Cheers, Pete� Coolafro
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I'll kick it off.
I gave up smoking 6 weeks, 5 days and 12 hours ago.
Gone from 30 a day for the last 30 years to zip, cold turkey.
Also gone from 101kg to 106kg in the same 6 weeks.
I understand that obesity is the highest cause of disease and death in Australia, followed by smoking in 2nd place.
So I must now ask the question, would I be better off smoking?
f*&^ing awesome and inspirational to hear that Luck (if I can call u that)
Your last comment must be a joke, stick on track where you're going, so great to hear.
Top effort, never say never. RESPECT.
I will post my story soon, it's a saga, may be interesting though.
Cheers, Pete� Coolafro
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My first busa was a gift to myself for losing 40Kg. I went from 120Kg down to 80Kg using the Tony Ferguson diet Trophy

Unfortuneately, I am now back up to 100Kg and the busa doesn't seem to go as well as it did 20Kg ago .. Pi_freak

I am currently trying to get motivated into having another crack, but the problem is .. I like food too much.

When I get the weight back in order, I'll try and give the smokes the flick .. now, that's a harder one still, than the food .. Embarassed
I smoked from 14 to around 35yo. Pack a day. I stopped when they banned it in the office.
Best thing ever did. In the end I got real pissed off that everywhere I went I would have to have this pack with me. Who was in control, not me, the smokes were. Then there was the flem coughs in the morning and all that shit.
I figured the older you get the more risk so why take a chance. Saw my cousin die a horrible death from cancer from smoking. Just do it man, be strong you won't look back.
Cheers, Pete� Coolafro
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I understand what you mean Lucky, the first time I gave up smoking I went from 85kg to 118kg... In the end I seriously asked myself "what do I want to die of... A guaranteed heart attack within the next few years or a questionable condition some mysterious day in the future"

Silly me returned to smoking for another 15 years. Now I have spent the past few years on and off again with it. I do enjoy the taste, smell and feeling of having a smoke but I know I gotta quit.
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
(18-10-2014, 09:46am)Batfink Wrote: I understand what you mean Lucky, the first time I gave up smoking I went from 85kg to 118kg... In the end I seriously asked myself "what do I want to die of... A guaranteed heart attack within the next few years or a questionable condition some mysterious day in the future"

Silly me returned to smoking for another 15 years. Now I have spent the past few years on and off again with it. I do enjoy the taste, smell and feeling of having a smoke but I know I gotta quit.

I have heard they are harder to kick than heroin ..
I did it. I ain't no f*&^ing god.
It can be done if you want it to be done. Simple fellas, the rest is bullshit and u know it.
Cheers, Pete� Coolafro
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(18-10-2014, 09:57am)DjPete Wrote: I did it. I ain't no f*&^ing god.
It can be done if you want it to be done. Simple fellas, the rest is bullshit and u know it.

I just went and had a smoke while I thought of a good comeback ..

I couldn't think of one .. Embarassed
I gave up 9 years ago. At the time my stepdaughter had CF and I didn't smoke in the house but over the years especially in the Army I would smoke 30 a day min. I even gave up smoking cigs and turned to cigars at one point to cut down but I would smoke 15-20 of them a day. Anyway long story short I had gone to pick up my daughters drugs from the pharmacy and get some smokes. The was a massive queue in the Newsagent to get served so I walked out minus smokes and haven't smoked since. Cant stand the smell of them now. So when the time is right you can give em up easy I reckon. When you're pressured into that's when its hard.
Good one Pommie.
As the ad says "Just fuckin do it"
Life is too short to make even shorter.
Cheers, Pete� Coolafro
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I understand that nicotine is out of the system in 48 - 72 hours after you give them away, so I couldn't see any use in using patches etc and continuing to have nicotine.
I have not felt like a smoke, but breaking habits is much harder.
Eg: When my mobile rings, I used to always grab it and a smoke and go outside.
eg: When having a beer, I used to sit outside no matter whether it was too hot, too cold, too wet, just so I could smoke, now I can stay inside. seems strange and anti-social in some way.
So it's not the nicotine for me, its the "habit" for want of a better word.
I googled it and the general consensus is that it last for between 9 months and 2 years.....yippee.
I have never been very active. Played a bit of golf tennis, did weight training until I was about 30 or so.
All was going ok and then at 38 I get blood in my urine. No other side effects really. Diagnosis is bladder cancer, they say 80 yr olds get this not people at 38. I was a mechanic for around 15yrs and used to work overhauling autos for about 5 of those yrs in a small room with a tin of solvent under my nose 8 hrs a day, no fan. I put it down to that. Sometimes we would be high as kites from the fumes, the good ol days. :-)
So have first op and all is good, have to go back every yrs for checks etc etc.

But I go all healthy read a lot of books end up going on vegan stone age diet for 2 yrs. Looked like I was dying I was so thin. Nothing fried no fats hardly, most things steamed, no meat etc etc.

Anyway started focusing on health and did weights again for a while and some running.
More bleeding, It came back again a few yrs ago and had to have the polyps recessed again.

Anyway saw a video about Parkour 7 yrs ago and went to check out a class in the city where they meet.
Thought I would give it a go. I was oldest there at 48. Most were teenagers. lol.

Still go every Sunday with my homies, keeps me young and fit, best thing I have ever bumped into.
here I am on TV a few yrs back. at the start and I am the last person to jump and roll at the very end.

My diet:
I'm vegetarian for last 3 or 4 yrs.
Mainly whole, natural foods wherever possible.
Only real junk is a bit of chocolate and icecream occasionally.
My parents owned a milk bar when I was younger so I had my fair share of junk food then.

My training:
Wed and Fri:
All in one home gym workout for 1 hr, 125 pushups, various other pullups/pushups, 2 km run and some Parkour balance and jumps etc down the park. Total time prob 2 hrs all up
Meet in city at 2.45pm train with the gang til 5pm. I'm in beyond Basics Class and it is sometimes like military training, not for the fainthearted.
Absolutely love it, every time I go I learn something new that I thought would be impossible to do.
At 55 the young kids respect me as much as I respect them. I am definitely the oldest prob at least in Aust doing Parkour full time.

Recommend it.
Keep fit, Fantastic guys AND girls, always a variety, train outdoors, get a crowd too at Southbank, good for the ego. Lol
it's now a lifestyle and I will keep going until I drop.
Cheers, Pete� Coolafro
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I gave up smoking for 20 yrs and started again, but i say everthing in moderation i have around on avg 7 rollies day, i was overweight and had back prob i went to the gym 3 days a week and i swim 4 ks a week Had to stop the gym on doctors orders re spine condition, going in for opp next wednesday 22nd Oct But i did go from 123 kgs to 105 kgs,with stopping gym i went up to 108kgs . I am glad i didnt throw out my old but good gear i can fit into them now Coolsmiley
heres my all in one gym. picked it up for 250 on gumtree. they all seem to go for around this price. good value. very happy and ample weight
[Image: 5csI0ke.jpg]

and I use one of these for chinups/pushups/dips.
best 20 bucks you will ever spend. portable too. Going away take it with you, all you need is a doodrway.
Cheers, Pete� Coolafro
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